@article{MTMT:34724326, title = {Consumer trust in local food system – An empirical research in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34724326}, author = {László, Veronika and Szakos, Dávid and Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória and Kasza, Gyula}, doi = {10.1556/066.2024.00027}, journal-iso = {ACTA ALIMENT}, journal = {ACTA ALIMENTARIA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE}, volume = {53}, unique-id = {34724326}, issn = {0139-3006}, abstract = {Consumer trust is essential to any market but particularly relevant to the food sector. Sustainable food systems require integration of small-scale food producers, for them consumer trust is pivotal. However, comprehensive measurement of consumer trust regarding local food is a less explored area. Based on the adjusted version of Benson's trust toolkit, local food trust was measured on four levels. This approach, connecting locality/proximity to food-related trust, was tested with a representative quantitative consumer survey ( n = 1,001) in Hungary. Interpersonal trust, general organisation trust, local food chain trust, and local food product trust were measured on a 5-point Likert scale. Correlation and boxplot analysis conducted revealed that trust levels correlate significantly but remain independent from demographic characteristics, indicating that trust in local food is not region-, education-, or income-specific amongst Hungarian consumers. A relatively high level of consumer trust was measured for local food products and producers compared to other stakeholders, strengthening the assumption for the proximity-trust relationship regarding food. This is a key factor for small-scale food producers: only shared values with the local community and earned trust can attract customers despite less flexibility with pricing and limited capacity for advertising.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1588-2535}, pages = {165-174}, orcid-numbers = {Szakos, Dávid/0000-0002-0280-0090; Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória/0000-0002-9512-5740} } @inbook{MTMT:34028190, title = {Fenntartható élelmiszerfogyasztás vásárlói szemmel}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34028190}, author = {László, Veronika and Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória}, booktitle = {A zöld üzleti gondolkodás és a zöld marketing lehetőségei és kihívásai}, unique-id = {34028190}, year = {2023}, pages = {117-131}, orcid-numbers = {Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória/0000-0002-9512-5740} } @{MTMT:34029860, title = {Future of nature-based wastewater treatment solutions in view of water reuse strategies}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34029860}, author = {Somogyi, Viola and Pitás, Viktória and Harasztiné Hargitai, Réka and Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória}, booktitle = {DELTAS AND WETLANDS}, unique-id = {34029860}, year = {2023}, pages = {27}, orcid-numbers = {Somogyi, Viola/0000-0002-7401-3942; Pitás, Viktória/0000-0002-2747-3452; Harasztiné Hargitai, Réka/0000-0002-3346-3971; Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória/0000-0002-9512-5740} } @inproceedings{MTMT:33531585, title = {Bizalom a helyi élelmiszer rendszerekben. mérési lehetőségek a bizalom négy szintjén}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33531585}, author = {László, Veronika and Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória}, booktitle = {A PEME XXIV. PhD – Konferenciájának előadásai}, unique-id = {33531585}, year = {2022}, pages = {234-239}, orcid-numbers = {Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória/0000-0002-9512-5740} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:33707878, title = {Technoeconomic Analysis of Utilising Wastewater Excess Heat for Sludge-Drying in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33707878}, author = {Somogyi, Viola and Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória}, booktitle = {17th SDEWES Conference Paphos 2022 Book of Abstracts}, unique-id = {33707878}, year = {2022}, pages = {584}, orcid-numbers = {Somogyi, Viola/0000-0002-7401-3942; Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória/0000-0002-9512-5740} } @article{MTMT:33830648, title = {Citizen participation in the development of public policies in Veszprém County and the Balaton Region}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33830648}, author = {Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória and Galetin, Milena and Muhi, Bela}, doi = {10.5937/poseko19-32709}, journal-iso = {Poslovna ekonomija}, journal = {Poslovna ekonomija}, volume = {15}, unique-id = {33830648}, issn = {1820-6859}, abstract = {The participation of citizens in decision-making process at the local level is a prerequisite for the existence of a democratic society. The importance of local producers' involvement in this process is significant because they contribute to the development of the local community and improve its living conditions. The authors deal with the questions of how the local producers in the Veszprém County and the Balaton Region are familiar with these rights, to what extent they use them and what the obstacles for citizen participation in public life at the local level are. In order to examine the whole problem, the survey also includes the representatives of local authorities. This research consists of three parts. After introduction and legislative review, in the second part the results of the survey are presented. The combination of theoretical analysis and empirical research that is characteristic for social sciences is used. Finally, in the last part, recommendations for the improvement of the participation of local citizens in creating the public policies at the local level in the mentioned region are presented.}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1821-1798}, pages = {20-31}, orcid-numbers = {Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória/0000-0002-9512-5740} } @article{MTMT:32062931, title = {Termelői tevékenység tényezőinek vizsgálata Jásd településen}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32062931}, author = {Gáll, Anikó and Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória}, journal-iso = {COMITATUS}, journal = {COMITATUS: ÖNKORMÁNYZATI SZEMLE}, volume = {31}, unique-id = {32062931}, issn = {1215-315X}, year = {2021}, pages = {39-46}, orcid-numbers = {Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória/0000-0002-9512-5740} } @article{MTMT:31636654, title = {"Helyben a helyiért" - a Pannon Egyetemen zajló vidékkutatás módszertani bemutatása}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31636654}, author = {Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória and Gáll, Anikó and László, Veronika}, journal-iso = {COMITATUS}, journal = {COMITATUS: ÖNKORMÁNYZATI SZEMLE}, volume = {30}, unique-id = {31636654}, issn = {1215-315X}, year = {2020}, pages = {40-46}, orcid-numbers = {Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória/0000-0002-9512-5740} } @inproceedings{MTMT:31646465, title = {Revealing local values and development possibilities in Veszprém county and Balaton region}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31646465}, author = {Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória and Gáll, Anikó}, booktitle = {VI. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers: Conference Proceedings}, unique-id = {31646465}, abstract = {Abstract Within the ’Revealing local values and development possibilities in Veszprém county and Balaton region’ EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00017 Sustainable, intelligent and receptive regional and urban models II.5. project we did a research in Balatonalmádi in 2019 autumn. We surveyed tourists and residents about the following topics: residents and tourists’ satisfaction about the settlement’s infrastructural, cultural facilities, development suggestions, programmes, drawing incompletions. The second segment of our survey was entrepreneurs. We asked them about their development conceptions, and we surveyed their cooperation and connection between each other. Third segment was a focus group conversation for invited SME's owners. In this segment we asked the participants about the closeness and regularity of cooperation between entrepreneurs and the local government. Before processing the results, we reviewed the county and settlement’s development documents such as Veszprém county’s Settlement Development Concept, Veszprém county’s Regional Development Plan and Balatonalmádi Urban Integrated Settlement Strategy. The results were examined along the mentioned documents. We revealed the strengths and weaknesses and stated suggestions in order to improve the current situation.}, year = {2020}, pages = {82-87}, orcid-numbers = {Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória/0000-0002-9512-5740} } @inproceedings{MTMT:32504641, title = {The social representation of sustainable food consumption and the role of SFSCs in the way towards sustainability}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32504641}, author = {László, Veronika and Gáll, Anikó and Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória}, booktitle = {Sustainability in Transforming Societies}, unique-id = {32504641}, year = {2020}, pages = {601-614}, orcid-numbers = {Csizmadiáné Czuppon, Viktória/0000-0002-9512-5740} }