TY - BOOK ED - Dunaev, Dmitriy ED - Vajk, István TI - Proceedings of the Automation and Applied Computer Science Workshop 2024 : AACS'24 PB - Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem (BME) CY - Budapest PY - 2024 SP - 297 SN - 9789634219606 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34987277 ID - 34987277 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kovács, Adorján AU - Vajk, István TI - Internal Model-Based Robust Path-Following Control for Autonomous Vehicles JF - INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY J2 - INT J AUTOMOT TECHN VL - 25 PY - 2024 IS - 2 SP - 249 EP - 260 PG - 12 SN - 1229-9138 DO - 10.1007/s12239-024-00003-z UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34735212 ID - 34735212 N1 - Export Date: 18 March 2024 Correspondence Address: Vajk, I.; Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Műegyetem rkp. 3., Hungary; email: vajk@aut.bme.hu AB - The paper presents a new internal model control (IMC) based control technique for lateral trajectory tracking of autonomous vehicles. The controller’s proposed structure employs a robust, fault-tolerant nonlinear internal servo control with optimal reference generation concerning vehicle yaw stability and physical limitations. The presented inscription of the reference generation creates a convex optimization task that can be used in real-time applications. Improvements in yaw-rate stability of vehicle motion control are first shown through simulation results performed in a Simulink environment. The controller structure was also implemented in a real-time model and was examined in a Mercedes C-Class vehicle. In this article, the simulation results and the real-time measurements are presented. The results show that the proposed controller has high efficiency in disturbance rejection and lower sensitivity towards parameter changes compared to a model predictive control (MPC) structure. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kovács, Adorján AU - Vajk, István TI - Tuning Parameter-free Model Predictive Control with Nonlinear Internal Model Control Structure for Vehicle Lateral Control JF - ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA J2 - ACTA POLYTECH HUNG VL - 20 PY - 2023 IS - 2 SP - 185 EP - 204 PG - 20 SN - 1785-8860 DO - 10.12700/APH.20.2.2023.2.10 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33603748 ID - 33603748 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kovács, Adorján AU - Vajk, István TI - Optimization-based Model Predictive Tube Control for Autonomous Ground Vehicles with Minimal Tuning Parameters JF - UNMANNED SYSTEMS J2 - UNMANN SYST VL - 11 PY - 2023 IS - 1 SP - 93 EP - 108 PG - 16 SN - 2301-3850 DO - 10.1142/S230138502350005X UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32791606 ID - 32791606 N1 - Funding Agency and Grant Number: NRDI Fund under Ministry for Innovation and Technology Funding text: The authors are grateful to the members of the Vehicle Motion Control project at ThyssenKrupp, who supported our work in enormous ways. The authors also would like to thank the support of the robot research group members at BME-AUT. The research reported in this paper and carried out at the BME has been supported by the NRDI Fund based on the charter of bolster issued by the NRDI Office under the auspices of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology. AB - The trajectory planning and tracking problem are critical points of intelligent vehicles concerning their safety and stability. If these parts are separated, interactions should be made between them, especially when sudden changes and disturbances appear. This paper presents a method that integrates the two parts using a cascade structure. Additionally, the proposed method deals with the interaction between the lateral and the longitudinal trajectory based on dynamical considerations. The whole problem is handled using the model predictive method based on online optimization. This system receives the path borders as input and generates the control requests for the actuators on its output. The configuration space of the system can be maximized to gain stability by handling the lateral-longitudinal parts and the trajectory planning and tracking in one complex system. The main advantage of the proposed approach is that the optimization problem in the predictive method is formulated so that the path and dynamics are considered equality and inequality constraints, and the cost function includes only a physical phenomenon to be minimized without tuning parameters. The evaluation of the proposed algorithm is presented in this paper based on simulation and real-time measurements results. LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Vajk, István AU - Hetthéssy, Jenő AU - Bars, Ruth ED - Nof, Shimon Y. TI - Linear Control Theory for Automation T2 - Springer Handbook of Automation VL - Part F674 PB - Springer Science+Business Media CY - Cham SN - 9783030967291 T3 - Springer Handbooks, ISSN 2522-8692 PY - 2023 SP - 121 EP - 161 PG - 41 DO - 10.1007/978-3-030-96729-1_6 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34048337 ID - 34048337 N1 - Export Date: 6 July 2023 Correspondence Address: Vajk, I.; Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Hungary; email: vajk@aut.bme.hu LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - BOOK ED - Vajk, István ED - Dunaev, Dmitriy TI - Proceedings of the Automation and Applied Computer Science Workshop 2023 (AACS'23) PB - Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem, Automatizálási és Alkalmazott Informatikai Tanszék CY - Budapest PY - 2023 SN - 9789634219262 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34051102 ID - 34051102 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - BOOK ED - Dunaev, Dmitriy ED - Vajk, István TI - Proceedings of the Automation and Applied Computer Science Workshop 2022 (AACS'22) PB - Budapesti Műszaki Egyetem, Automatizálási és Alkalmazott Informatikai Tanszék CY - Budapest PY - 2022 SN - 9789634218753 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32902177 ID - 32902177 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - BOOK ED - Dunaev, Dmitriy ED - Vajk, István TI - Proceedings of the Automation and Applied Computer Science Workshop 2021. AACS'21 TS - AACS'21 PB - Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem CY - Budapest PY - 2021 SN - 9789634218524 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32081075 ID - 32081075 LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - CHAP AU - Kovács, Adorján AU - Vajk, István TI - Integrated Path Planning and Lateral-Longitudinal Control for Autonomous Electric Vehicles T2 - 2021 AEIT International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive (AEIT AUTOMOTIVE) SN - 9788887237528 PY - 2021 SP - 1 EP - 6 PG - 6 DO - 10.23919/AEITAUTOMOTIVE52815.2021.9662798 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32583201 ID - 32583201 N1 - Scopus:hiba:85124622813 2022-10-12 16:51 befoglaló egyiknél nincsenek szerzők LA - English DB - MTMT ER - TY - JOUR AU - Kovács, Adorján AU - Vajk, István TI - Integrated Lateral and Longitudinal Control with Optimization-Based Allocation Strategy for Autonomous Electric Vehicles JF - JOURNAL OF ADVANCED TRANSPORTATION J2 - J ADV TRANSPORT VL - 2021 PY - 2021 PG - 18 SN - 0197-6729 DO - 10.1155/2021/1444396 UR - https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32514363 ID - 32514363 N1 - Export Date: 29 April 2022 CODEN: JATRD Correspondence Address: Kovacs, A.; Department of Automation and Applied Informatics, Hungary; email: adorjan.kovacs@aut.bme.hu AB - This paper presents a novel approach for path-following control of a four-wheeled autonomous vehicle. The rear wheels of the vehicle are driven independently, all four wheels can be braked independently, and the front wheels are steered together. The proposed cascade structure consists of two convex optimization-based parts: one for path-following and another for the control allocation problem of the actuators. The control algorithm presents cost functions for the allocation problem focusing on safety. The proposed cost functions were examined and compared to former ones in a simulation environment. After all, the controller was tested in real-time test on a Lotus Evora test vehicle developed by ThyssenKrupp. LA - English DB - MTMT ER -