@CONFERENCE{MTMT:35320871, title = {The effect of the drying climate on SOC of zonal deciduous forests along a climate gradient in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35320871}, author = {Fekete, István and Berki, Imre and Myrna, Simpson and Béni, Áron and Móricz, Norbert and Várbíró, Gábor and Madarász, Balázs and Horváth, Tamás and Juhos, Katalin and Kotroczó, Zsolt}, booktitle = {Program of the 9th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter}, unique-id = {35320871}, year = {2024}, pages = {10}, orcid-numbers = {Várbíró, Gábor/0000-0001-5907-3472; Madarász, Balázs/0000-0003-4201-6919; Kotroczó, Zsolt/0000-0002-5637-2802} } @misc{MTMT:35185052, title = {Monitoring forest health and tree species based on satellite imagery, cloud computing and artificial intelligence}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35185052}, author = {Molnár, Tamás and Móricz, Norbert and Bolla, Bence Kálmán and Horváth, Bálint and Szabó, András and Szabó, Orsolya and Király, Géza}, unique-id = {35185052}, abstract = {A novel cloud-based approach was created to utilize high-resolution Sentinel-2 satellite imagery of the European Space Agency and Google Earth Engine platform. The image processing steps such as query, filtering, masking, visualizing, and analysing all took place in the cloud in order to create vegetation and water index (NDVI, NDVI change, Z NDVI, NDWI) maps and charts derived from satellite images, used for multipurpose such as land-cover surveying, tree species classification and forest disturbance detection in three Hungarian study sites. Forest disturbances include biotic (insects, fungi, virus), abiotic (fire, flood, windfall, ice break, etc.) and anthropogenic (illegal logging) forest damage types which are surveyed in Hungary on a regular basis.}, year = {2024}, orcid-numbers = {Király, Géza/0000-0003-0286-207X} } @article{MTMT:35173149, title = {Functional evaluation of different soil hydraulic parametrizations in hydrological simulations reveals different model efficiency for soil moisture and water budget}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/35173149}, author = {Kozma, Zsolt and Decsi, Bence and Ács, Tamás and Jolánkai, Zsolt and Manninger, Miklós and Móricz, Norbert and Illés, Gábor and Barna, Gyöngyi and Makó, András and Tóth, Brigitta}, doi = {10.2478/johh-2024-0013}, journal-iso = {J HYDROL HYDROMECH}, journal = {JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY AND HYDROMECHANICS}, volume = {72}, unique-id = {35173149}, issn = {0042-790X}, abstract = {Novel soil datasets and the application of pedotransfer functions provide soil hydraulic input data for modelling hydrological processes at different scales. We aimed to evaluate the reliability of soil hydraulic parameters derived by indirect methods in simulation of soil moisture time series and water budgets at profile level of three sites (Forest, Orchard and Grassland) from a Central European catchment (Lake Balaton, Hungary). Five soil-vegetation-atmosphere model variants were set up with the Hydrus-1D model for each site, differing only in the parametrization of input soil data: i) a calibrated reference, ii) measured values, iii) values predicted from measured basic soil properties, iv) values predicted from national soil map information, v) values derived from the 3D soil hydraulic dataset of Europe. Calibrated soil parameters led to Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency 0.50, 0.54 and 0.71 for the Forest, Orchard and Grassland Site respectively. The outcomes for model efficiency of soil moisture underline the superiority of local databases over regional ones and the need for more detailed vertical discretization during modelling. The model performance according to soil moisture and water budget accuracy led to different rank order of model variants. Water budget comparisons indicated moderate differences between the hydrologic fluxes simulated by the different model variants, emphasizing the uncertainties associated with soil hydraulic parametrization either at local or at watershed scale.}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1338-4333}, pages = {312-335}, orcid-numbers = {Decsi, Bence/0000-0002-4601-8236; Ács, Tamás/0000-0001-6788-5075; Jolánkai, Zsolt/0000-0001-9633-9006; Barna, Gyöngyi/0000-0003-0967-5015; Makó, András/0000-0002-6169-6393; Tóth, Brigitta/0000-0003-1485-8908} } @article{MTMT:34568989, title = {ddRAD-seq generated genomic SNP dataset of Central and Southeast European Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) populations}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34568989}, author = {Lados, Botond Boldizsár and Cseke, Klára and Benke, Attila and Köbölkuti, Zoltán Attila and Molnár, Csilla and Nagy, László and Móricz, Norbert and Németh, Tamás Márton and Borovics, Attila and Mészáros, Ilona and Tóth, Endre György}, doi = {10.1007/s10722-024-01889-5}, journal-iso = {GENET RESOUR CROP EV}, journal = {GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION}, unique-id = {34568989}, issn = {0925-9864}, abstract = {Turkey oak ( Quercus cerris L.) is one of the most ecologically and economically significant deciduous tree species in the Central and Southeast European regions. The species has long been known to exhibit high levels of genetic and phenotypic variation. Recent climate response predictions for Turkey oak suggest a significant distribution extension in Europe under climate change. Since Turkey oak has relative drought-tolerant behaviour, it is regarded as a potential alternative for other forest tree species during forestry climate adaptation efforts, not only in its native regions but also in Western Europe. For this reason, the survey of existing genetic variability, genetic resources, and adaptability of this species has great significance. Next-generation sequencing approaches, such as ddRAD-seq (Double digest restriction-site associated DNA sequencing), allow the attainment of high-resolution genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). This study provides the first highly variable genome-wide SNP data for Turkey oak generated by ddRAD-seq. The dataset comprises 17 607 de novo and 26 059 reference mapped SNPs for 88 individuals from eight populations, two from Bulgaria, one from Kosovo, and five from Hungary. Reference mapping was carried out by using cork oak’s ( Quercus suber L.) reference genome. The obtained high-resolution genome-wide markers are suitable for investigating selection and local adaptation and inferring genetic diversity, differentiation, and population structure. The dataset is accessible at: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8091252}, year = {2024}, eissn = {1573-5109}, orcid-numbers = {Nagy, László/0000-0003-1240-8217} } @article{MTMT:34138646, title = {Bilateral cooperation - Fostering the ability of native European beech and sessile oak forests in the border region against the impacts of climate change}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34138646}, author = {Szamosvári, Erik and Nagy, László and Konrad, Heino and Móricz, Norbert and Weißenbacher, Lambert and Bálint, Anita and Neuvirthné Bilics, Anikó and van Loo, Marcela}, doi = {10.3897/rio.9.e109816}, journal-iso = {RES IDEAS OUTCOMES (RIO)}, journal = {RESEARCH IDEAS AND OUTCOMES (RIO)}, volume = {9}, unique-id = {34138646}, abstract = {Adequate adaptions and actions to combat anthropogenic climate change (CC) are significant challenges of the 21 st century. In Europe, according to the European Environmental Agency, warming of around 2°C is expected under the moderate climate scenario (RCP 4.5) by the end of the century, but the pessimistic RCP 8.5 scenario project an increase of up to 6°C. In addition to the rise in temperature, changes in precipitation and increased frequency of extreme weather events are predicted. New environmental conditions affect tree species and habitats differently; thus, forest biodiversity and local tree species compositions probably will be altered in many regions in the future. The effects may be manifold: some tree species may persist, locally adapt and migrate, while others may disappear from given regions and be replaced by native or non-native species. The native forests of the Austrian-Hungarian border region are particularly affected by the climate change. To mitigate the consequences of anthropogenic climate change to preserve forest biodiversity for future generations and to enable their use, deliberate and planned human interventions and actions are essential. These require transnational or even global efforts since nature and climate do not recognise man-made borders.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2367-7163}, pages = {e109816}, orcid-numbers = {Nagy, László/0000-0003-1240-8217} } @{MTMT:34043773, title = {Aridity as Potential Reason for the Local Decrease of Marsh Fritillary Butterfly (Euphydryas aurinia Rottemburg, 1775) Populations of West Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34043773}, author = {Horváth, Bálint and István, Szentirmai and Zoltán, Scherer and Ádám, Faragó and Tamás, Bedenek and Szabó, András and Németh, Tamás Márton and Móricz, Norbert and Manninger, Miklós and Bolla, Bence Kálmán}, booktitle = {International Conference on Hydro-Climate Extremes and Society}, unique-id = {34043773}, year = {2023}, pages = {30-31} } @{MTMT:34043764, title = {How May the Historic Drought of 2022 Affected the Forest Stands of Hungary?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34043764}, author = {Bolla, Bence Kálmán and Szabó, András and Németh, Tamás Márton and Móricz, Norbert and Tamás, Bedenek and Horváth, Bálint}, booktitle = {International Conference on Hydro-Climate Extremes and Society}, unique-id = {34043764}, year = {2023}, pages = {29-30} } @{MTMT:34020953, title = {Dendroclimatological research projects in the Forest Research Institute of University Sopron}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34020953}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Eötvös, Csaba Béla and Horváth, Bálint and Bolla, Bence Kálmán and Németh, Tamás Márton}, booktitle = {XVIII. Kárpát-medencei Környezettudományi konferencia : Absztraktfüzet = XVIII. Carpathian Basin Environmental Science Conference : Book of Abstracts}, unique-id = {34020953}, abstract = {Regional climate models project a fast temperature increase until the end of the 21st century accompanied by an overall decrease in summer precipitation leading to an increase of extreme drought events in the future. Increased drought frequency and severity over the last decades already challenge the silvicultural concepts in Central Europe. Droughts could trigger a long-term decrease in forest productivity, reduced carbon sequestration or, ultimately, forest decline and mortality. Tree-rings preserve an archive of past growing conditions but influenced by a complex interplay of various climatic and environmental factors. Tree ring analysis can be used to quantify the impact of climate change and droughts on tree growth and as an indicator of tree vitality. In the Forest Research Institute of University Sopron, we conducted several dendroclimatological studies since 2016 using standard statistical approaches (e.g. drought growth indices) related e.g. to the black pine mortality event in the Keszthely mountains or the comparative drought response analysis of Turkey oak and sessile oak. Our current research activities focus on the future growth prediction of oak tree species using linear mixed effect models and on drought-tolerant native secondary tree species by applying a multi-proxy method by combining both dendrochronological metrics and stable isotopes. Here, we present a synthesis of our achieved results and future plans.}, year = {2023}, pages = {123-124} } @article{MTMT:33688727, title = {Qualitative and Quantitative Changes in Soil Organic Compounds in Central European Oak Forests with Different Annual Average Precipitation}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33688727}, author = {Fekete, István and Francioso, Ornella and Simpson, Myrna J. and Gioacchini, Paola and Montecchio, Daniela and Berki, Imre and Móricz, Norbert and Juhos, Katalin and Béni, Áron and Kotroczó, Zsolt}, doi = {10.3390/environments10030048}, journal-iso = {ENVIRONMENTS}, journal = {ENVIRONMENTS}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {33688727}, abstract = {The various climate scenarios consistently predict warming and drying of forests in Hungary. Soils play a significant role in the long-term sequestration of atmospheric CO2, while in other cases they can also become net carbon emitters. Therefore, it is important to know what can be expected regarding future changes in the carbon storage capacity of soils in forests. We used precipitation gradient studies to solve this problem, using a type of “space–time” substitution. In this research, we primarily examined the quality parameters of soil organic matter (SOM) to investigate how climate change transforms the ratio of the main SOM compound groups in soils. For our studies, we applied elemental and 13C and 15N isotopic ratio analysis, NMR analysis, FT-IR spectra analysis, thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyses to measure SOM chemistry in samples from different oak forests with contrasting mean annual precipitation from Central Europe. Our results showed that soil organic carbon (SOC) was lower in soils of humid forests due to the enhanced decomposition processes and the leaching of Ca, which stabilizes SOM; however, in particular, the amount of easily degradable SOM compounds (e.g., thermolabile SOM, O-alkyl carbon, carboxylic and carbonyl carbon) decreased. In dry forest soils, the amount of recalcitrant SOM (e.g., thermostable SOM, alkyl carbon, aromatic and phenolic carbon and organo–mineral complexes stabilized by Ca increased, but the amount of easily degradable SOM increased further. The main conclusion of our study is that SOC can increase in forests that become drier, compensating somewhat for the decrease in forest plant biomass.}, year = {2023}, eissn = {2076-3298}, orcid-numbers = {Francioso, Ornella/0000-0003-0643-7441; Simpson, Myrna J./0000-0002-8084-411X; Kotroczó, Zsolt/0000-0002-5637-2802} } @article{MTMT:34050174, title = {Hazai fafajok klímaanalóg területeinek vizsgálata a klímaváltozás tükrében}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/34050174}, author = {Illés, Gábor and Móricz, Norbert}, doi = {10.17164/EK.2022.06}, journal-iso = {ERDÉSZETTUD KÖZL}, journal = {ERDÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK}, volume = {12}, unique-id = {34050174}, issn = {2062-6711}, abstract = {Kilenc európai és hazai állományalkotó fafaj esetében végeztünk klímaburok vizsgálatokat és azonosítottunk klíma analóg területeket abból a célból, hogy a klímaváltozás erdőkre gyakorolt hatását vizsgáljuk. A vizsgálatokhoz az európai fafaj elterjedési adatbázist, valamint – a múltra vonatkozó klimatikus adatokon kívül – az RCP 4.5, ill. RCP 8.5 forgatókönyvekre épülő klímamodell ensemble-ből levezetett bioklimatikus adatokat használtuk. Négy időszakot vizsgáltunk: az 1961–1990 közti elmúlt időszakot, a 2011–2040 közötti jelen időszakot, illetve a 2041–2070 közötti közeljövőt, és a 2071–2100 közötti távolabbi jövőt. A fafajok klímaburkainak térbeli átrendeződését random forest becslő eljárással modelleztük az extrapoláció kizárásával. Az eredmények szerint a modellek megbízhatóan becsülték a fafajok történeti elterjedését. Jelenleg és a jövőben is jelentős átrendeződés tapasztalható a fafaj specifikus klímaburkok földrajzi vetületében. A hazai vonatkozásokat nézve az optimistább forgatókönyv szerint a hazai tölgyfajok klimatikus igényeinek megfelelő területek nagysága az ezredfordulós értékekhez képest az 1/5-ére eshet vissza a század végére. Kivételt jelent a molyhos tölgy, mely sokszoros területnyereséget érhet el a többi faj rovására. Ugyancsak a változások vesztese a bükk, mely klimatikusan alkalmas területeinek nagysága a tizedére eshet vissza. E mellett sokszorosára nőhet a feketefenyő számára alkalmas területek nagysága. A modellek szerint két-háromszorosára nő azon területek kiterjedése, melyekhez valószínűleg nem lehet majd klíma analóg származási helyeket találni Európában. A fafajok klímaburkainak modellezési eredményei iránymutatást adhatnak az éghajlati alkalmazkodáshoz, azaz a veszélyeztetett területek azonosításához és a szaporítóanyag forrás- és célterületeinek kiválasztásához.}, keywords = {döntéstámogatás; klíma analóg területek; fafaj klíma sérülékenység; szaporítóanyag források}, year = {2022}, pages = {91-112} } @inbook{MTMT:33272003, title = {Erdészeti ökofiziológia-A fanövekedés ökofiziológiai kutatása}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33272003}, author = {Führer, Ernő and Móricz, Norbert}, booktitle = {Az erdészeti tudományok története Magyarországon}, unique-id = {33272003}, year = {2022}, pages = {58-60} } @inbook{MTMT:33271971, title = {Erdei klíma és mikroklíma kutatások}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33271971}, author = {Vig, Péter and Móricz, Norbert}, booktitle = {Az erdészeti tudományok története Magyarországon}, unique-id = {33271971}, year = {2022}, pages = {22-25} } @inproceedings{MTMT:33271889, title = {Fiatal kocsánytalan tölgy és csertölgy állományok szárazságérzékenységének összehasonlító vizsgálata. Comparative drought sensitivity analysis of young sessile oak and Turkey oak trees in Somogy county (Hungary)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33271889}, author = {Németh, Tamás Márton and Móricz, Norbert}, booktitle = {ERDÉSZETI TUDOMÁNYOS KONFERENCIA, SOPRON - 2022}, unique-id = {33271889}, year = {2022}, pages = {235-241} } @inproceedings{MTMT:33271862, title = {A bükk és a kocsánytalan tölgy perspektívái az Osztrák-Magyar határrégióban. Perspectives of beech and sessile oak in the Austrian-Hungarian border region}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33271862}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Szamosvári, Erik and Marcela, Van Loo and Heino, Konrad and Nagy, László}, booktitle = {ERDÉSZETI TUDOMÁNYOS KONFERENCIA, SOPRON - 2022}, unique-id = {33271862}, year = {2022}, pages = {230-234}, orcid-numbers = {Nagy, László/0000-0003-1240-8217} } @article{MTMT:33262911, title = {Seeing, Believing, Acting: Climate Change Attitudes and Adaptation of Hungarian Forest Managers}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33262911}, author = {Jankó, Ferenc and Bertalan, Laura and Pappné Vancsó, Judit and Németh, Nikoletta and Hoschek, Mónika and Lakatos, Mónika and Móricz, Norbert}, doi = {10.3832/ifor3958-015}, journal-iso = {IFOREST}, journal = {IFOREST-BIOGEOSCIENCES AND FORESTRY}, volume = {15}, unique-id = {33262911}, issn = {1971-7458}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1971-7458}, pages = {509-518}, orcid-numbers = {Jankó, Ferenc/0000-0003-1149-6745; Pappné Vancsó, Judit/0009-0003-2053-3883} } @article{MTMT:33225785, title = {A Magyarország erdeit 2022 nyarán sújtó aszáIy távérzékelt felmérése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33225785}, author = {Molnár, Tamás and Móricz, Norbert and Borovics, Attila}, journal-iso = {ERDÉSZETI LAPOK}, journal = {ERDÉSZETI LAPOK}, volume = {157}, unique-id = {33225785}, issn = {1215-0398}, year = {2022}, pages = {330-332} } @article{MTMT:33045768, title = {Climate envelope analyses suggests significant rearrangements in the distribution ranges of Central European tree species}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33045768}, author = {Illés, Gábor and Móricz, Norbert}, doi = {10.1186/s13595-022-01154-8}, journal-iso = {ANN FOREST SCI}, journal = {ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE}, volume = {79}, unique-id = {33045768}, issn = {1286-4560}, year = {2022}, eissn = {1297-966X}, orcid-numbers = {Illés, Gábor/0000-0001-5175-3385} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:33225799, title = {Elterjedési modellek készítése és felhasználásuk klímaadaptációs erdészeti stratégiákhoz}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33225799}, author = {Illés, Gábor and Móricz, Norbert}, booktitle = {12. Magyar Ökológus Kongresszus : Előadások és poszterek összefoglalói}, unique-id = {33225799}, year = {2021}, pages = {61-61} } @article{MTMT:32557336, title = {Fiatal somogyi kocsánytalan tölgyek és csertölgyek szárazságérzékenységének összehasonlító vizsgálata}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32557336}, author = {Németh, Tamás Márton and Szabó, Orsolya and Móricz, Norbert}, doi = {10.17164/EK.2021.008}, journal-iso = {ERDÉSZETTUD KÖZL}, journal = {ERDÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK}, volume = {11}, unique-id = {32557336}, issn = {2062-6711}, keywords = {aszály; kocsánytalan tölgy; csertölgy; dendrokronológia}, year = {2021}, pages = {27-40} } @article{MTMT:32049343, title = {Aszályok hatása somogyi tölgyes állományokra}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32049343}, author = {Németh, Tamás Márton and Szabó, Orsolya and Móricz, Norbert}, journal-iso = {ERDÉSZETI LAPOK}, journal = {ERDÉSZETI LAPOK}, volume = {156}, unique-id = {32049343}, issn = {1215-0398}, year = {2021}, pages = {183-185} } @article{MTMT:32001270, title = {Detecting the oak lace bug infestation in oak forests using MODIS and meteorological data}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/32001270}, author = {Kern, Anikó and Marjanović, Hrvoje and Csóka, György and Móricz, Norbert and Pernek, Milan and Csókáné Hirka, Anikó and Matošević, Dinka and Paulin, Márton József and Kovač, Goran}, doi = {10.1016/j.agrformet.2021.108436}, journal-iso = {AGR FOREST METEOROL}, journal = {AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY}, volume = {306}, unique-id = {32001270}, issn = {0168-1923}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1873-2240}, orcid-numbers = {Kern, Anikó/0000-0002-3504-1668; Marjanović, Hrvoje/0000-0001-5701-7581; Csóka, György/0000-0001-9132-4825; Matošević, Dinka/0000-0001-7380-688X; Paulin, Márton József/0000-0002-6164-0699} } @article{MTMT:31967246, title = {Different drought sensitivity traits of young sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) and Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) stands along a precipitation gradient in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31967246}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Illés, Gábor and Mészáros, Ilona and Garamszegi, B and Berki, Imre and Bakacsi, Zsófia and Kámpel, J and Szabó, Orsolya and Rasztovits, Ervin and Cseke, Klára and Bereczki, Katalin and Németh, Tamás Márton}, doi = {10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119165}, journal-iso = {FOREST ECOL MANAG}, journal = {FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT}, volume = {492}, unique-id = {31967246}, issn = {0378-1127}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1872-7042} } @article{MTMT:31867895, title = {Provisioning forest and conservation science with high-resolution maps of potential distribution of major European tree species under climate change}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31867895}, author = {Chakraborty, D and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovits, E and Dobor, L and Schuler, S}, doi = {10.1007/s13595-021-01029-4}, journal-iso = {ANN FOREST SCI}, journal = {ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE}, volume = {78}, unique-id = {31867895}, issn = {1286-4560}, abstract = {Key message We developed a dataset of the potential distribution of seven ecologically and economically important tree species of Europe in terms of their climatic suitability with an ensemble approach while accounting for uncertainty due to model algorithms. The dataset was documented following the ODMAP protocol to ensure reproducibility. Our maps are input data in a decision support tool "SusSelect" which predicts the vulnerability of forest trees in climate change and recommends adapted planting material. Dataset access is at .}, keywords = {biomod2; Ensemble species distribution model; ODMAP}, year = {2021}, eissn = {1297-966X} } @article{MTMT:31349395, title = {Sources of doubt: actors, forums, and language of climate change skepticism}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31349395}, author = {Jankó, Ferenc and Drüszler, Áron and Gálos, Borbála and Móricz, Norbert and Pappné Vancsó, Judit and Pieczka, Ildikó and Pongrácz, Rita and Rasztovits, Ervin and Soósné Dezső, Zsuzsanna and Szabó, Orsolya}, doi = {10.1007/s11192-020-03552-z}, journal-iso = {SCIENTOMETRICS}, journal = {SCIENTOMETRICS}, volume = {123}, unique-id = {31349395}, issn = {0138-9130}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1588-2861}, pages = {1-27}, orcid-numbers = {Jankó, Ferenc/0000-0003-1149-6745; Pappné Vancsó, Judit/0009-0003-2053-3883; Pieczka, Ildikó/0000-0001-5657-9494; Pongrácz, Rita/0000-0001-7591-7989; Soósné Dezső, Zsuzsanna/0000-0003-1325-1303} } @article{MTMT:31134338, title = {Recalculating climate change consensus: The question of position and rhetoric}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31134338}, author = {Jankó, Ferenc and Drüszler, Áron and Gálos, Borbála and Móricz, Norbert and Pappné Vancsó, Judit and Pieczka, Ildikó and Pongrácz, Rita and Rasztovits, Ervin and Soósné Dezső, Zsuzsanna and Szabó, Orsolya}, doi = {10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120127}, journal-iso = {J CLEAN PROD}, journal = {JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION}, volume = {254}, unique-id = {31134338}, issn = {0959-6526}, year = {2020}, eissn = {1879-1786}, orcid-numbers = {Jankó, Ferenc/0000-0003-1149-6745; Pappné Vancsó, Judit/0009-0003-2053-3883; Pieczka, Ildikó/0000-0001-5657-9494; Pongrácz, Rita/0000-0001-7591-7989; Soósné Dezső, Zsuzsanna/0000-0003-1325-1303} } @{MTMT:33158030, title = {Comparison of estimated soil hydraulic parameters by hydrological simulations at three forestry sites}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/33158030}, author = {Kozma, Zsolt and Decsi, Bence and Manninger, Miklós and Móricz, Norbert and Makó, András and Tóth, Brigitta}, booktitle = {HydroCarpath-2019, Catchment Processes in Regional Hydrology: Coupling Field Experiments and Data Assimilation into Process Understanding and Modeling in Carpathian Basins}, unique-id = {33158030}, year = {2019}, orcid-numbers = {Decsi, Bence/0000-0002-4601-8236; Makó, András/0000-0002-6169-6393; Tóth, Brigitta/0000-0003-1485-8908} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:31187891, title = {Detecting the impact caused by oak lace bug (Corythucha arcuata, Say 1832) in pedunculate oak forests of the Pannonian Plain}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31187891}, author = {Kern, Anikó and Hrvoje, Marjanović and György, Csóka and Anikó, Hirka and Móricz, Norbert and Boris, Hrašovec and Nikola, Lacković and Milan, Pernek}, booktitle = {GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS 2019}, unique-id = {31187891}, year = {2019}, pages = {12229}, orcid-numbers = {Kern, Anikó/0000-0002-3504-1668} } @article{MTMT:31156003, title = {Egy bükki hótörés távérzékelési elemzése MODIS és Sentinel-2 műholdképek alapján}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31156003}, author = {Molnár, Tamás and Birinyi, Mátyás and Király, Géza and Móricz, Norbert and Koltay, András and Csókáné Hirka, Anikó and Csóka, György and Somogyi, Zoltán}, journal-iso = {GEOMAT KÖZL}, journal = {GEOMATIKAI KÖZLEMÉNYEK / PUBLICATIONS IN GEOMATICS}, volume = {22}, unique-id = {31156003}, issn = {1419-6492}, year = {2019}, pages = {53-63}, orcid-numbers = {Király, Géza/0000-0003-0286-207X; Csóka, György/0000-0001-9132-4825} } @misc{MTMT:31143381, title = {Erdészeti klímaközpont koncepciója és gyakorlata : Az erdészeti monitoring 30 éve (A 30 éves Erdészeti Mérő- és Megfigyelő Rendszer eredményei és gyakorlati hasznosítása)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31143381}, author = {Bolla, Bence Kálmán and Borovics, Attila and Illés, Gábor and Móricz, Norbert and Bokor, Attila and Máthé, János and Nimmerfroh-Pletscher, Beáta and Unghváry, Ferenc and Jereb, László and Pödör, Zoltán}, unique-id = {31143381}, year = {2019}, orcid-numbers = {Pödör, Zoltán/0000-0001-5557-5643} } @article{MTMT:30973550, title = {Suitability of MODIS-based NDVI index for forest monitoring and its seasonal applications in Central Europe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30973550}, author = {Barka, Ivan and Bucha, Tomáš and Molnár, Tamás and Móricz, Norbert and Somogyi, Zoltán and Koreň, Milan}, doi = {10.2478/forj-2019-0020}, journal-iso = {CENT EU FORESTRY J}, journal = {CENTRAL EUROPEAN FORESTRY JOURNAL}, volume = {66}, unique-id = {30973550}, issn = {2454-034X}, year = {2019}, eissn = {2454-0358}, pages = {206-217} } @misc{MTMT:30921991, title = {Erdészeti klímaközpont koncepciója és gyakorlata : Az erdészeti monitoring 30 éve (A 30 éves Erdészeti Mérő- és Megfigyelő Rendszer eredményei és gyakorlati hasznosítása)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30921991}, author = {Bolla, Bence Kálmán and Borovics, Attila and Illés, Gábor and Móricz, Norbert and Bokor, Attila and Máthé, János and Nimmerfroh-Pletscher, Beáta and Unghváry, Ferenc and Jereb, László and Pödör, Zoltán and Pintér, László and Lengyel, László and Tömösvári, Imre}, unique-id = {30921991}, year = {2019}, orcid-numbers = {Pödör, Zoltán/0000-0001-5557-5643; Lengyel, László/0000-0002-5129-4198} } @article{MTMT:30826078, title = {Seasonal applications of Modis-based NDVI index in Central European forest monitoring}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30826078}, author = {Barka, Ivan and Bucha, Tomás and Molnár, Tamás and Móricz, Norbert and Somogyi, Zoltán and Koreň, Milan}, journal-iso = {CENT EU FORESTRY J}, journal = {CENTRAL EUROPEAN FORESTRY JOURNAL}, volume = {65}, unique-id = {30826078}, issn = {2454-034X}, year = {2019}, eissn = {2454-0358} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:30787574, title = {Evaluation of estimated soil hydraulic parameters at three forestry monitoring sites in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30787574}, author = {Kozma, Zsolt and Decsi, Bence and Manninger, Miklós and Móricz, Norbert and Makó, András and Tóth, Brigitta}, booktitle = {Understanding Soil Functions}, unique-id = {30787574}, year = {2019}, pages = {34-40}, orcid-numbers = {Decsi, Bence/0000-0002-4601-8236; Makó, András/0000-0002-6169-6393; Tóth, Brigitta/0000-0003-1485-8908} } @article{MTMT:30707594, title = {Becsült talajhidrológiai paraméterek szimulációs vizsgálata a NAIK Erdészeti Tudományos Intézet két mintaterületén}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30707594}, author = {Kozma, Zsolt and Decsi, Bence and Manninger, Miklós and Móricz, Norbert and Makó, András and Tóth, Brigitta}, doi = {10.1556/0088.2019.00031}, journal-iso = {AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN}, journal = {AGROKÉMIA ÉS TALAJTAN}, volume = {68}, unique-id = {30707594}, issn = {0002-1873}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1588-2713}, pages = {13-36}, orcid-numbers = {Decsi, Bence/0000-0002-4601-8236; Makó, András/0000-0002-6169-6393; Tóth, Brigitta/0000-0003-1485-8908} } @article{MTMT:30609045, title = {Accelerated Height Growth Versus Mortality of Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30609045}, author = {Gulyás, Krisztina and Móricz, Norbert and Ervin, Rasztovits and Horváth, Adrienn and Balázs, Pál and Berki, Imre}, doi = {10.15177/seefor.19-01}, journal-iso = {SEEFOR-SOUTH-EAST EU}, journal = {SOUTH-EAST EUROPEAN FORESTRY}, volume = {10}, unique-id = {30609045}, issn = {1847-6481}, year = {2019}, eissn = {1849-0891}, pages = {1-7}, orcid-numbers = {Balázs, Pál/0000-0001-8251-5718} } @inproceedings{MTMT:30346997, title = {Távérzékelésen alapuló Erdőállapot Monitoring Rendszer (TEMRE)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30346997}, author = {Molnár, Tamás and Koltay, András and Móricz, Norbert and Somogyi, Zoltán}, booktitle = {Alföldi Erdőkért Egyesület Kutatói Nap : Tudományos eredmények a gyakorlatban}, unique-id = {30346997}, abstract = {Az erdők egészségi állapotának megfigyelése Magyarországon és egész Európában évtizedek óta zajlik. A légszennyezettség, a klímaváltozás és más tényezők miatt az erdőkárok további növekedése várható. A terepen megfigyelhető károkról a NAIK Erdészeti Tudományos Intézet és a NÉBIH Erdészeti Igazgatóság a különféle erdőállapot monitoring rendszerek segítségével, több évtizede folyamatosan gyűjti az erdők egészségi állapotára vonatkozó adatokat, amelyekről évről évre különféle tematikus erdőkár térképek is készülnek. A rendszer legújabb eleme az erdőkben bekövetkező változások távérzékelésen alapuló nyomon követése. A kvázi valós idejű monitoring (TEMRE) eredményei a klima.erti.hu/TEMRE.php címen érhetők el.}, year = {2018}, pages = {28-32} } @article{MTMT:30333094, title = {Távérzékelésen alapuló Erdőállapot Monitoring Rendszer}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30333094}, author = {Somogyi, Zoltán and Koltay, András and Molnár, Tamás and Móricz, Norbert}, journal-iso = {ERDÉSZETI LAPOK}, journal = {ERDÉSZETI LAPOK}, volume = {153}, unique-id = {30333094}, issn = {1215-0398}, year = {2018}, pages = {277-278} } @article{MTMT:30318806, title = {Erdészeti klímaközpont kialakításának szükségessége és lépései}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30318806}, author = {Borovics, Attila and Illés, Gábor and Juhász, J and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovits, Ervin and Nimmerfroh-Pletscher, B and Unghváry, F and Pintér, László Tamás and Pödör, Zoltán and Jereb, László Tibor}, doi = {10.17164/EK.2018.016}, journal-iso = {ERDÉSZETTUD KÖZL}, journal = {ERDÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {30318806}, issn = {2062-6711}, year = {2018}, pages = {5-8}, orcid-numbers = {Pödör, Zoltán/0000-0001-5557-5643; Jereb, László Tibor/0000-0002-1613-4981} } @article{MTMT:3415857, title = {Fapusztulás és gyorsuló növekedés kocsánytalan tölgyeseinkben}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3415857}, author = {Berki, Imre and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovits, Ervin and Gulyás, Krisztina and Garamszegi, Balázs and Horváth, Adrienn and Balázs, Pál and Lakatos, Bence}, doi = {10.17164/EK.2018.008}, journal-iso = {ERDÉSZETTUD KÖZL}, journal = {ERDÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK}, volume = {8}, unique-id = {3415857}, issn = {2062-6711}, abstract = {Hazánkban a klímaváltozással együtt járó aszályok évtizedek óta fapusztulásokat okoznak kocsánytalan tölgyesekben is. Másfelől több hazai publikáció született e fafaj növekedésének gyorsulásról, de lassulásáról is. Vizsgáltuk, hogy van-e növekedésgyorsulás a száraz klímájú kocsánytalan tölgyes termőhelyeken, ahol évtizedek óta számottevő a kigyérülés a középkorú és az idősebb állományokban. Eredményeink szerint száraz tájainkon is egyértelműen gyorsult a fiatal kocsánytalan tölgyesek magassági növekedése. Az évtizedek óta időszakonként fellépő fapusztulás, valamint ezzel szemben a magassági-növekedés gyorsulása mégsem ellentmondásos. A fentiekből nem következik, hogy a többlet növekedés a jövőben is jellemző lesz, mert a klíma előrejelző modellek szerint az aszálygyakoriság növekvő tendenciát fog mutatni.}, keywords = {klímaváltozás, aszály, kocsánytalan tölgy, fapusztulás, növekedésgyorsulás}, year = {2018}, pages = {119-130}, orcid-numbers = {Balázs, Pál/0000-0001-8251-5718} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:3412804, title = {Magyarország talajtípusait reprezentáló talajszelvények feltárása, leírása és mintavételezése egy talajszerkezeti és morfológiai jellemzőkkel kiegészített talajfizikai és hidrológiai adatbázis kialakítása céljából}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3412804}, author = {Ágfalvi, Miklós and Árvay, Gyula and Bakacsi, Zsófia and Baráth, Dávid and Barna, Gyöngyi and Barta, Károly and Bidló, András and Czigány, Szabolcs and Decsi, Bence and Dencső, Márton and Fábián, Szabolcs Ákos and Farsang, Andrea and Hernádi, Hilda Ágnes and Horváth, Adrienn and Járási, József and Kocsis, Mihály and Koós, Sándor and Kozma, Zsolt and Labancz, Viktória and László, Péter and Lénárd, Sándor and Makó, András and Molnár, Sándor and Molnár, Zsuzsanna and Móricz, Norbert and Nagy, Gábor and Novák, Tibor József and Pirkó, Béla and Potyó, Imre and Radimszky, László and Rasztovits, Ervin and Sipos, Péter and Szabó, József and Szatmári, Gábor and Szegi, Tamás András and Tóth, Brigitta and Tóth, Tibor and Ujj, Emese and Varga, Tamás}, booktitle = {Talajtani Vándorgyűlés : Absztrakt és program füzet}, unique-id = {3412804}, year = {2018}, pages = {31-31}, orcid-numbers = {Barna, Gyöngyi/0000-0003-0967-5015; Czigány, Szabolcs/0000-0002-9158-3162; Decsi, Bence/0000-0002-4601-8236; Fábián, Szabolcs Ákos/0000-0001-9127-2113; Farsang, Andrea/0000-0002-7873-5256; Makó, András/0000-0002-6169-6393; Novák, Tibor József/0000-0002-5514-9035; Szatmári, Gábor/0000-0003-3201-598X; Szegi, Tamás András/0000-0002-9280-617X; Tóth, Brigitta/0000-0003-1485-8908} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:3411257, title = {Új hazai és európai 3D talajhidrológiai térképek tesztelése az Erdészeti Tudományos Intézet két mintaterületén}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3411257}, author = {Kozma, Zsolt and Decsi, Bence and Manninger, Miklós and Móricz, Norbert and Makó, András and Tóth, Brigitta}, booktitle = {Talajtani Vándorgyűlés : Absztrakt és program füzet}, unique-id = {3411257}, year = {2018}, pages = {20-21}, orcid-numbers = {Decsi, Bence/0000-0002-4601-8236; Makó, András/0000-0002-6169-6393; Tóth, Brigitta/0000-0003-1485-8908} } @article{MTMT:3399303, title = {Recent Drought-Induced Vitality Decline of Black Pine (Pinus nigra Arn.) in South-West Hungary—Is This Drought-Resistant Species under Threat by Climate Change?}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3399303}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Balázs, Garamszegi and Ervin, Rasztovits and Bidló, András and Horváth, Adrienn and Attila, Jagicza and Illés, Gábor and Vekerdy, Zoltán and Somogyi, Zoltán and Gálos, Borbála}, doi = {10.3390/f9070414}, journal-iso = {FORESTS}, journal = {FORESTS}, volume = {9}, unique-id = {3399303}, issn = {1999-4907}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1999-4907} } @article{MTMT:3380494, title = {Weather-dependent fluctuations in the abundance of the oak processionary moth, Thaumetopoea processionea (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3380494}, author = {Csóka, György and Csókáné Hirka, Anikó and Szőcs, Levente Attila and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovics, Ervin and Pödör, Zoltán}, doi = {10.14411/eje.2018.024}, journal-iso = {EUR J ENTOMOL}, journal = {EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY}, volume = {115}, unique-id = {3380494}, issn = {1210-5759}, year = {2018}, eissn = {1802-8829}, pages = {249-255}, orcid-numbers = {Csóka, György/0000-0001-9132-4825; Pödör, Zoltán/0000-0001-5557-5643} } @inproceedings{MTMT:3377087, title = {Forest health monitoring system in Hungary based on MODIS products}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3377087}, author = {Somogyi, Zoltán and Koltay, András and Molnár, Tamás and Móricz, Norbert}, booktitle = {Az elmélet és a gyakorlat találkozása a térinformatikában IX.}, unique-id = {3377087}, abstract = {Ground-based forest observations in Hungary have recently been completed by a wall-towall system (in Hungarian: “TEMRE”) to monitor forest health in relation to environmental changes (including climate change). The system is based on free images from the MODIS sensor of the Terra OSM satellite. Once in every 16 days during the vegetation season, NDVI values are automatically downloaded, masked for the Hungarian forest area, filtered for errors, and classified using standardized NDVI-index values. Maps are regularly published in a 250*250 m resolution at klima.erti.hu/TEMRE. php. The attribution of discolorations, to be attempted for larger (>1000 ha) contiguous areas, is supported by tree species map layers (currently) and site factors (under development). The paper demonstrates some results of the analysis of images from recent years.}, year = {2018}, pages = {325-330} } @inproceedings{MTMT:3329241, title = {A tölgy csipkéspoloska (Corythucha arcuata) – tölgyeseink új, inváziós rovara.}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3329241}, author = {Csóka, György and Csókáné Hirka, Anikó and Móricz, Norbert and Csepelényi, M and Szénási, Á and Mikó, Á and Szalai, Á}, booktitle = {Alföldi Erdőkért Egyesület Kutatói Nap}, unique-id = {3329241}, year = {2017}, pages = {23-30}, orcid-numbers = {Csóka, György/0000-0001-9132-4825} } @article{MTMT:3281663, title = {Vegetation induced diel signal and its meaning in recharge and discharg regions}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3281663}, author = {Gribovszki, Zoltán and Tóth, Tibor and Csáfordi, Péter and Szabó, András and Móricz, Norbert and Kalicz, Péter}, journal-iso = {GEOPHYS RES ABSTR}, journal = {GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS}, volume = {19}, unique-id = {3281663}, issn = {1029-7006}, year = {2017}, eissn = {1607-7962}, orcid-numbers = {Kalicz, Péter/0000-0003-0010-9519} } @article{MTMT:3242129, title = {Is climate change controversy good for science? IPCC and contrarian reports in the light of bibliometrics}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3242129}, author = {Jankó, Ferenc and Pappné Vancsó, Judit and Móricz, Norbert}, doi = {10.1007/s11192-017-2440-9}, journal-iso = {SCIENTOMETRICS}, journal = {SCIENTOMETRICS}, volume = {112}, unique-id = {3242129}, issn = {0138-9130}, year = {2017}, eissn = {1588-2861}, pages = {1745-1759}, orcid-numbers = {Jankó, Ferenc/0000-0003-1149-6745; Pappné Vancsó, Judit/0009-0003-2053-3883} } @inproceedings{MTMT:30866761, title = {Water uptake of vegetation in recharge and discharge regions}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/30866761}, author = {Gribovszki, Zoltán and Tibor, Tóth and Kitti, Balog and Szabó, András and Kalicz, Péter and Móricz, Norbert}, booktitle = {HydroCarpath-2016, Catchment Processes in Regional Hydrology: from plot to regional scales - monitoring catchment processes and hydrological modelling}, unique-id = {30866761}, year = {2016}, pages = {1-6}, orcid-numbers = {Kalicz, Péter/0000-0003-0010-9519} } @misc{MTMT:3281814, title = {Alföldi faültetvények hatása a talajra, altalajra és talajvízre. előadás}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3281814}, author = {Tóth, Tibor and Szabó, András and Gribovszki, Zoltán and Bidló, András and Rásó, János and Balog, Kitti and Móricz, Norbert and Csáfordi, Péter}, unique-id = {3281814}, year = {2016}, orcid-numbers = {Balog, Kitti/0000-0001-9183-5529} } @article{MTMT:3196440, title = {The Role of Tree Mortality in Vitality Assessment of Sessile Oak Forests}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3196440}, author = {Berki, Imre and Ervin, Rasztovits and Móricz, Norbert and László, Kolozs}, doi = {10.15177/seefor.16-14}, journal-iso = {SEEFOR-SOUTH-EAST EU}, journal = {SOUTH-EAST EUROPEAN FORESTRY}, volume = {7}, unique-id = {3196440}, issn = {1847-6481}, year = {2016}, eissn = {1849-0891}, pages = {91-97} } @article{MTMT:3107571, title = {Groundwater uptake of forest and agricultural land covers in regions of recharge and discharge}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3107571}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Tóth, Tibor and Balog, Kitti and Szabó, András and Rasztovits, E and Gribovszki, Zoltán}, doi = {10.3832/ifor1864-009}, journal-iso = {IFOREST}, journal = {IFOREST-BIOGEOSCIENCES AND FORESTRY}, volume = {9}, unique-id = {3107571}, issn = {1971-7458}, abstract = {Groundwater uptake of vegetation in discharge regions is known to play an important role, e.g., in the Hungarian Great Plain. Nevertheless, only little detailed monitoring of water table fluctuations and groundwater uptake (ETgw) were reported under varying hydrologic conditions and vegetation cover. In this study, results of water table monitoring under forest plantations and adjacent corn plots in discharge and recharge regions were analyzed to gain better understanding of the relation of vegetation cover to groundwater uptake. A poplar (Populus tremula) plantation and adjacent corn field plot were surveyed in a local discharge area, while a black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) plantation and adjacent corn field plot were analyzed in a recharge area. The water table under the poplar plantation displayed a night-time recovery in the discharge region, indicating significant groundwater supply. In this case an empirical version of the water table fluctuation method was used for calculating the ETgw that included the groundwater supply. The mean ETgw of the poplar plantation was 3.6 mm day-1, whereas no water table fluctuation was observed at the nearby corn plot. Naturally, the root system of the poplar was able to tap the groundwater in depths of 3.0-3.3 m while the shallower roots of the corn did not reach the groundwater reservoir in depths of 2.7-2.8 m. In the recharge zone the water table under the black locust plantation showed step-like changes referring to the lack of groundwater supply. The mean ETgw was 0.7 mm day-1 (groundwater depths of 3.0-3.2 m) and similarly no ETgw was detected at the adjacent corn plot with groundwater depths between 3.2 and 3.4 m. The low ETgw of the young black locust plantation was due to the lack of groundwater supply in recharge area, but also the shallow root system might have played a role. Our results suggest that considerations should be given to local estimations of ETgw from water table measurements that could assist to better understanding of groundwater use of varying vegetation types in recharge and discharge zones.}, keywords = {poplar; Evapotranspiration; GROUNDWATER; Black locust; Recharge and Discharge Area}, year = {2016}, eissn = {1971-7458}, pages = {696-701}, orcid-numbers = {Balog, Kitti/0000-0001-9183-5529} } @{MTMT:2942494, title = {Soil Moisture Sensitive State-dependent Correlations of Beech and Sessile Oak Leaf Reflectance Spectra}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2942494}, author = {Eredics, Attila and Németh, Zsolt István and Rákosa, Rita and Rasztovits, Ervin and Móricz, Norbert and Vig, Péter}, booktitle = {Conferentia Chemometrica 2015}, unique-id = {2942494}, year = {2015} } @article{MTMT:2931285, title = {The Effect of Soil Moisture on the Reflectance Spectra Correlations in Beech and Sessile Oak Foliage}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2931285}, author = {Eredics, Attila and Németh, Zsolt István and Rákosa, Rita and Rasztovits, Ervin and Móricz, Norbert and Vig, Péter}, doi = {10.1515/aslh-2015-0001}, journal-iso = {ACTA SILV LIGNARIA HUNG}, journal = {ACTA SILVATICA ET LIGNARIA HUNGARICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL IN FOREST, WOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES}, volume = {11}, unique-id = {2931285}, issn = {1786-691X}, year = {2015}, eissn = {1787-064X}, pages = {9-25}, orcid-numbers = {Németh, Zsolt István/0000-0001-5981-1658} } @inproceedings{MTMT:25098560, title = {Fontosabb fafajok tolerancia határának meghatározása terepi értékelés alapján}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/25098560}, author = {Berki, I and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovits, E}, booktitle = {Agrárklíma: az előrevetített klímaváltozás hatáselemzése és az alkalmazkodás lehetőségei az erdészeti- és agrárszektorban}, publisher = {Soproni Egyetem Kiadó}, unique-id = {25098560}, year = {2014}, pages = {70-74} } @article{MTMT:3196442, title = {Erdőállományok egészségi állapotának értékelése – egy új megközelítés}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/3196442}, author = {Berki, Imre and Rasztovits, E and Móricz, Norbert}, journal-iso = {ERDÉSZETTUD KÖZL}, journal = {ERDÉSZETTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK}, volume = {4}, unique-id = {3196442}, issn = {2062-6711}, year = {2014}, pages = {149-155} } @inproceedings{MTMT:2883502, title = {Erdei fák fiziológiai regressziói és a meteorológiai paraméterek közötti korrelációk időfüggése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2883502}, author = {Eredics, Attila and Németh, Zsolt István and Rákosa, Rita and Badáczy, Dorottya Zsófia and Rasztovits, Ervin and Móricz, Norbert and Vig, Péter}, booktitle = {IV. Kari Tudományos Konferencia}, unique-id = {2883502}, year = {2014}, pages = {89-94} } @article{MTMT:2708085, title = {Reviewing the climate change reviewers: Exploring controversy through report references and citations}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2708085}, author = {Jankó, Ferenc and Móricz, Norbert and Pappné Vancsó, Judit}, doi = {10.1016/j.geoforum.2014.06.004}, journal-iso = {GEOFORUM}, journal = {GEOFORUM}, volume = {56}, unique-id = {2708085}, issn = {0016-7185}, year = {2014}, eissn = {1872-9398}, pages = {17-34}, orcid-numbers = {Jankó, Ferenc/0000-0003-1149-6745; Pappné Vancsó, Judit/0009-0003-2053-3883} } @article{MTMT:2536514, title = {The incorporation of extreme drought events improves models for beech persistence at its distribution limit}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2536514}, author = {Rasztovits, Ervin and Berki, Imre and Mátyás, Csaba and Czimber, Kornél and Pötzelsberger, E and Móricz, Norbert}, doi = {10.1007/s13595-013-0346-0}, journal-iso = {ANN FOREST SCI}, journal = {ANNALS OF FOREST SCIENCE}, volume = {71}, unique-id = {2536514}, issn = {1286-4560}, year = {2014}, eissn = {1297-966X}, pages = {201-210} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:31880315, title = {Extreme Drought Events Improves Modelling of Beech Persistence at its Distribution Limit in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/31880315}, author = {Rasztovits, Ervin and Móricz, Norbert and Berki, Imre and Pötzelsberger, Elisabeth and Mátyás, Csaba}, booktitle = {ClimTree 2013. International conference on climate change and tree responses in central european forests}, unique-id = {31880315}, year = {2013}, pages = {80-81} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:2894675, title = {Erdei fák fiziológiai regressziói és a meteorológiai paraméterek közötti korrelációk időfüggése}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2894675}, author = {Eredics, Attila and Németh, Zsolt István and Rákosa, Rita and Badáczy, Dorottya Zsófia and Rasztovics, E and Móricz, Norbert and Vig, P}, booktitle = {Kari Tudományos Konferencia Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem, Erdőmérnöki Kar}, unique-id = {2894675}, year = {2013}, pages = {36} } @article{MTMT:2752498, title = {Modelling the potential distribution of three climate zonal tree species for present and future climate in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2752498}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovits, Ervin and Gálos, Borbála and Berki, Imre and Eredics, Attila and Loibl, W}, doi = {10.2478/aslh-2013-0007}, journal-iso = {ACTA SILV LIGNARIA HUNG}, journal = {ACTA SILVATICA ET LIGNARIA HUNGARICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL IN FOREST, WOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES}, volume = {9}, unique-id = {2752498}, issn = {1786-691X}, year = {2013}, eissn = {1787-064X}, pages = {85-96} } @inproceedings{MTMT:2452684, title = {Termőhelyi tényezők szerepe erdőterületen az extrém időjárási helyzetek kiegyenlítésében}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2452684}, author = {Bidló, András and Berki, Imre and Gálos, Borbála and Gribovszki, Zoltán and Móricz, Norbert and Mátyás, Csaba}, booktitle = {II. ATK Tudományos Nap}, unique-id = {2452684}, year = {2013}, pages = {63-66} } @article{MTMT:2341703, title = {A Decision Support System for Climate Change Adaptation in Rainfed Sectors of Agriculture for Central Europe}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2341703}, author = {Mátyás, Csaba and Gálos, Borbála and Berki, Imre and Bidló, András and Drüszler, Áron and Eredics, Attila and Illés, Gábor and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovits, Ervin and Czimber, Kornél}, journal-iso = {GEOPHYS RES ABSTR}, journal = {GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH ABSTRACTS}, volume = {15}, unique-id = {2341703}, issn = {1029-7006}, year = {2013}, eissn = {1607-7962} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:2218635, title = {IDŐJÁRÁSFÜGGŐ FLUKTUÁCIÓ A TÖLGY BÚCSÚJÁRÓ LEPKE NYUGAT-MAGYARORSZÁGI POPULÁCIÓINÁL}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2218635}, author = {Csóka, György and Pödör, Zoltán and Csókáné Hirka, Anikó and Führer, Ernő and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovics, Ervin and Szőcs, Levente}, booktitle = {59. Növényvédelmi Tudományos Napok, Összefoglalók}, unique-id = {2218635}, year = {2013}, pages = {20-20}, orcid-numbers = {Pödör, Zoltán/0000-0001-5557-5643} } @article{MTMT:2193625, title = {Evaluating the performance of stochastic distribution models for European beech at low-elevation xeric limits}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2193625}, author = {Rasztovits, Ervin and Móricz, Norbert and Berki, Imre and Pötzelsberger, E and Mátyás, Csaba}, journal-iso = {IDŐJÁRÁS}, journal = {IDŐJÁRÁS / QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF THE HUNGARIAN METEOROLOGICAL SERVICE}, volume = {116}, unique-id = {2193625}, issn = {0324-6329}, year = {2012}, eissn = {0324-6329}, pages = {173-194} } @inproceedings{MTMT:2183832, title = {Hydrological Characteristics of a Common Oak and a Herbaceous Vegetation Site in the North- Eastern Part of the Hungarian Great Plain}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2183832}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Csaba, Mátyás and Imre, Berki and Ervin, Rasztovits and Vekerdy, Zoltán and Gribovszki, Zoltán}, booktitle = {HydroCarpath, Catchment processes in regional hydrology: from experiment to modeling in Carpathian drainage basins}, unique-id = {2183832}, year = {2012}, pages = {20-1-20-8} } @book{MTMT:2178179, title = {Hidegvíz Valley Experimental Watershed}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2178179}, isbn = {9789633340806}, author = {Csáfordi, Péter and Eredics, Attila and Gribovszki, Zoltán and Kalicz, Péter and Koppán, András and Kucsara, Mihály and Móricz, Norbert and Ervin, Rasztovits and Vig, Péter}, editor = {Gribovszki, Zoltán and Kalicz, Péter}, publisher = {Soproni Egyetem Kiadó}, unique-id = {2178179}, year = {2012}, orcid-numbers = {Kalicz, Péter/0000-0003-0010-9519; Kalicz, Péter/0000-0003-0010-9519} } @article{MTMT:2079614, title = {Comparative water balance study of forest and fallow plots}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2079614}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Mátyás, Csaba and Berki, Imre and Rasztovits, Ervin and Vekerdy, Zoltán and Gribovszki, Zoltán}, doi = {10.3832/ifor0624-005}, journal-iso = {IFOREST}, journal = {IFOREST-BIOGEOSCIENCES AND FORESTRY}, volume = {5}, unique-id = {2079614}, issn = {1971-7458}, year = {2012}, eissn = {1971-7458}, pages = {188-196} } @article{MTMT:1976550, title = {Egy erdő- és parlagterület vízforgalmának összehasonlítása}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1976550}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Mátyás, Csaba and Berki, Imre and Rasztovits, Ervin and Vekerdy, Zoltán and Gribovszki, Zoltán}, journal-iso = {HIDROL KOZL}, journal = {HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {92}, unique-id = {1976550}, issn = {0018-1323}, year = {2012}, eissn = {2939-8495}, pages = {67-74} } @CONFERENCE{MTMT:1958475, title = {Service Center for Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture. an initiative of the University of West Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1958475}, author = {Mátyás, Csaba and Berki, Imre and Drüszler, Áron and Eredics, Attila and Gálos, Borbála and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovits, E}, booktitle = {European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2012}, unique-id = {1958475}, year = {2012} } @mastersthesis{MTMT:22009008, title = {Egy erdő és parlagterület vízforgalmának összehasonlító vizsgálata}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/22009008}, author = {Móricz, Norbert}, unique-id = {22009008}, year = {2011} } @inbook{MTMT:1982654, title = {A Nagyalföld erdeinek állapota és hatásuk a talajvízszintre}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1982654}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Berki, Imre and Rasztovits, E}, booktitle = {Környezeti változások és az Alföld}, unique-id = {1982654}, year = {2011}, pages = {119-126} } @article{MTMT:1827744, title = {Assessment and projection on climate change impacts in SE European forests: a case study of common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.)}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1827744}, author = {Mátyás, Csaba and Berki, Imre and Czúcz, Bálint and Gálos, Borbála and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovits, Ervin}, journal-iso = {LES}, journal = {LES: REVIJA ZA LESNO GOSPODARSTVO}, volume = {63}, unique-id = {1827744}, issn = {0024-1067}, year = {2011}, pages = {142-153} } @article{MTMT:1577067, title = {Klímaváltozás: diskurzusok a katasztrófától a kételkedésig}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1577067}, author = {Jankó, Ferenc and Móricz, Norbert and Pappné Vancsó, Judit}, journal-iso = {FÖLDRAJZI KÖZLEMÉNYEK}, journal = {FÖLDRAJZI KÖZLEMÉNYEK}, volume = {135}, unique-id = {1577067}, issn = {0015-5411}, year = {2011}, pages = {3-16}, orcid-numbers = {Jankó, Ferenc/0000-0003-1149-6745; Pappné Vancsó, Judit/0009-0003-2053-3883} } @article{MTMT:2002065, title = {Water Balance Study of a Groundwater-dependent Oak Forest}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/2002065}, author = {Móricz, Norbert}, doi = {10.37045/aslh-2010-0004}, journal-iso = {ACTA SILV LIGNARIA HUNG}, journal = {ACTA SILVATICA ET LIGNARIA HUNGARICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL IN FOREST, WOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES}, volume = {6}, unique-id = {2002065}, issn = {1786-691X}, year = {2010}, eissn = {1787-064X}, pages = {49-66} } @inbook{MTMT:1982652, title = {A klímaváltozás hatása Magyarország erdeire}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1982652}, author = {Berki, Imre and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovits, E}, booktitle = {Földrajzi dolgozatok határok nélkül}, unique-id = {1982652}, year = {2010}, pages = {44-48} } @article{MTMT:1423598, title = {Future of Beech in Southeast Europe from the Perspective of Evolutionary Ecology}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1423598}, author = {Mátyás, Csaba and Berki, Imre and Czúcz, Bálint and Gálos, Borbála and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovits, Ervin}, doi = {10.37045/aslh-2010-0007}, journal-iso = {ACTA SILV LIGNARIA HUNG}, journal = {ACTA SILVATICA ET LIGNARIA HUNGARICA: AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL IN FOREST, WOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES}, volume = {6}, unique-id = {1423598}, issn = {1786-691X}, year = {2010}, eissn = {1787-064X}, pages = {91-110} } @article{MTMT:1419015, title = {Klímaváltozás: tudományos viták és a társadalomföldrajz feladatai}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1419015}, author = {Jankó, Ferenc and Móricz, Norbert and Pappné Vancsó, Judit}, journal-iso = {FÖLDRAJZI KÖZLEMÉNYEK}, journal = {FÖLDRAJZI KÖZLEMÉNYEK}, volume = {134}, unique-id = {1419015}, issn = {0015-5411}, year = {2010}, pages = {405-418}, orcid-numbers = {Jankó, Ferenc/0000-0003-1149-6745; Pappné Vancsó, Judit/0009-0003-2053-3883} } @article{MTMT:1413290, title = {Erdők a szárazsági határon}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1413290}, author = {Mátyás, Csaba and Führer, Ernő and Berki, Imre and Csóka, György and Drüszler, Áron and Lakatos, Ferenc and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovits, Ervin and Somogyi, Zoltán and Veperdi, Gábor and Vig, Péter and Gálos, Borbála}, journal-iso = {KLÍMA 21 FÜZ}, journal = {KLÍMA 21 FÜZETEK}, volume = {4}, unique-id = {1413290}, issn = {1789-428X}, year = {2010}, pages = {84-97}, orcid-numbers = {Csóka, György/0000-0001-9132-4825} } @techreport{MTMT:1982990, title = {Expected climate change and options for European silviculture. Country Report Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1982990}, author = {Mátyás, Cs and Berki, Imre and Csóka, Gy and Eredics, Attila and Führer, Ernő and Gálos, B and Jáger, L and Lakatos, S and Móricz, Norbert and Palocz-Andresen, Michael and Tóth, JA and Rasztovits, E and Vig, Péter}, unique-id = {1982990}, year = {2009} } @article{MTMT:1477814, title = {Az erdők intercepciójának mérési és modellezési lehetőségei}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1477814}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Gálos, Borbála and Gribovszki, Zoltán}, journal-iso = {HIDROL KOZL}, journal = {HIDROLÓGIAI KÖZLÖNY}, volume = {89}, unique-id = {1477814}, issn = {0018-1323}, year = {2009}, eissn = {2939-8495}, pages = {35-46} } @article{MTMT:1278361, title = {Determination of the drought tolerance limit of beech forests and forecasting their future distribution in Hungary}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1278361}, author = {Berki, Imre and Rasztovits, Ervin and Móricz, Norbert and Mátyás, Csaba}, journal-iso = {CEREAL RES COMMUN}, journal = {CEREAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS}, volume = {37}, unique-id = {1278361}, issn = {0133-3720}, abstract = {Due to climate change, beech has reached its xeric limit on many sites in the Carpathian Basin. Health status and climate of the last 30 years were investigated in selected zonal beech stands. To assess the climatic conditions of beech forests a tolerance index (QBTI) was developed, based on the spring and summer precipitation and on summer mean temperature. Using the regional climate scenario of PRUDENCE the expected future distribution of beech was presented in Hungary by the end of this century.}, year = {2009}, eissn = {1788-9170}, pages = {613-616} } @inproceedings{MTMT:1982651, title = {A bükk szárazság tolerancia határának meghatározása}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1982651}, author = {Berki, Imre and Móricz, Norbert and Rasztovits, E and Vig, Péter}, booktitle = {Erdő és klíma V.}, unique-id = {1982651}, year = {2007}, pages = {209-219} } @article{MTMT:1724158, title = {Modelling of Potential Vegetation in Hungary by using Methods of GIS}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1724158}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Mari, László and MATTÁNYI, ZS and Kohán, Balázs}, journal-iso = {GIS BUS GEOINFORMAT PRAX}, journal = {GIS BUSINESS: GEOINFORMATIONSTECHNOLOGIE FUR DIE PRAXIS}, volume = {11}, unique-id = {1724158}, issn = {1430-3663}, year = {2005}, pages = {16-18}, orcid-numbers = {Mari, László/0000-0002-3382-7800; Kohán, Balázs/0000-0001-5111-0224} } @article{MTMT:211874, title = {Modelling of Potential Vegetation in Hungary by using Methods of GIS}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/211874}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Mari, László and Mattányi, Zsolt and Kohán, Balázs}, journal-iso = {GIS GEO-INFORMATIONSSYSTEME}, journal = {GIS GEO-INFORMATIONSSYSTEME}, volume = {11}, unique-id = {211874}, year = {2005}, pages = {16-18}, orcid-numbers = {Mari, László/0000-0002-3382-7800; Kohán, Balázs/0000-0001-5111-0224} } @{MTMT:1848026, title = {Potenciális vegetáció térkép készítése GIS felhasználásával}, url = {https://m2.mtmt.hu/api/publication/1848026}, author = {Móricz, Norbert and Kohán, Balázs and Mari, László and Mattányi, Zsolt}, booktitle = {Földrajzi kutatások, 2004}, unique-id = {1848026}, year = {2004}, pages = {149-149}, orcid-numbers = {Kohán, Balázs/0000-0001-5111-0224; Mari, László/0000-0002-3382-7800} }