Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
Átlépés a keresőbe
In English
32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days
Fürst-Waltl, Birgit [szerk.]
Burn, Sarah-Joe [szerk.]
Sölkner, Johann [szerk.]
Zollitsch, Werner G [szerk.]
Angol nyelvű Tudományos
Megjelent: Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Wien, Ausztria, 88 p.
32nd International Symposium Animal Science Days, ASD 2024 2024-10-02 [Oberaichwald, Ausztria]
MTMT: 35647281
Teljes dokumentum:
Čurik Ino et al. Responding to innovations in phenomics and genomics in dairy cattle breeding: presentation of the project PhenoGeno. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 16-16
Nagy István et al. Correlation analysis among the various inbreeding coefficients of the Pannon Ka rabbits. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 18-18
Fadella N. Almira et al. Sex-specific effects of feed restriction on adiponectin and its receptors in Japanese quail. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days p. 26
Wangari Ikanya Lucy et al. Detoxifying effects of probiotics on growth performance and gut health of pigs under deoxynivalenol chronic exposure.: A review.. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 27-27
Csaba Szabó et al. Effects of different supplements in diets for primiparous sows on piglets’ intestinal morphology. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days p. 30
Varga-Szatmári Viktória et al. The effect of some lactic acid bacteria strains on the bioaccessibility of fumonisin B1 in an in vitro digestion system. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 31-31
Csötönyi Orsolya et al. Comparison of the dynamics of glucose oxidation based on 13CO2 abundance in red blood cells, breath gas and saliva in growing pigs. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 32-32
Halas Veronika et al. May growth rate interconnect with feeding behaviour in pigs?. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 38-38
Farkas Tamás Péter et al. Exploring the use of diverse environmental enrichment elements in the case of various hen genotypes (preliminary results). (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 39-39
Moloi Sibusiso et al. Global and local drivers of Echinococcus multilocularis infection in the western Balkan region. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 40-40
Vostrá-Vydrová Vera et al. Genomic differentiation between European baroque horse breeds. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 50-50
Posta János et al. Factors influencing functional longevity in breeding does. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 67-67
Omeralfaroug Ali et al. Mitigating Fumonisin B1-induced oxidative stress in rat liver: the role of rooibos extract. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 71-71
Tischler Annamária et al. Effect of early Threonine supplementation on gut morphology in broilers. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 72-72
Dublecz Fanni et al. Ileal digestibility of amino acids from corn in meat type ducks. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 73-73
Lukić Boris et al. Next generation dairy farming: integrating genomics with precision livestock farming. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 79-79
Pető Lilla et al. Live weight distribution of laying hens in different cage and alternative housing technologies. (2024) Megjelent: 32nd International Symposium. Animal Science Days pp. 84-84
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