(University of Debrecen Program for Scientific Publication and DETKA Bridging Fund)
Föld- és kapcsolódó környezettudományok
Lake Tisza is a lowland reservoir with an area of 127 km2 in the middle of the Carpathian
Basin established in the 1970s. Among its original functions, in addition to flood
control, it was expected to irrigate a larger agricultural area and increase water
freight transport. Today, buffering of extreme water conditions, nature conservation
and recreation have become the main profiles. The diverse hydroecological features
and mosaic landscape structure of the lake allow for versatile nature conservation
and utilization in tourism. This differentiated use is in line with the worldwide
trend of favouring locations with multiple leisure activities in close proximity to
each other. Lake Tisza offers fishing, swimming, sailing, canoeing, nature observation
boating and cycling opportunities, but due to its status as a Ramsar bird conservation
site, it is also a valuable destination for ornithologists. In the course of our research,
we examined the current spatial pattern of these activities and the possible arrangement
of expedient further development.