Cancer cell adhesion and glycocalyx degradation measurement via FluidFM and single-cell optical biosensor

Kanyo, Nicolett [Kanyó, Nicolett (nanobioszenzorika), author] Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Sc...; Nanobioszenzorika Laboratórium (MFA); Kovacs, Kinga Dora [Kovács, Kinga Dóra (fizika), author] Nanobioszenzorika Laboratórium (MFA); Peter, Beatrix [Péter, Beatrix (Bioszenzorika), author] Nanobioszenzorika Laboratórium (MFA); Szekacs, Inna [Székács, Inna (nanobioszenzorika), author] Nanobioszenzorika Laboratórium (MFA); Rajmona, Imola [Rajmon, Imola (biofizika), author] Nanobioszenzorika Laboratórium (MFA); Horvath, Robert [Horváth, Róbert (Bioszenzorok), author] Nanobioszenzorika Laboratórium (MFA)

English Not classified (Miscellaneous) Scientific
Published: 2024
    Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
    2025-01-22 01:39