Combat Helicopters and Drones in the Russian–Ukrainian Conflict

Szári, Norbert [Szári, Norbert (hadtudományok), author] HDI (UPS / HHK)

English Article (Journal Article) Scientific
Published: HADTUDOMÁNYI SZEMLE 2676-9816 2060-0437 17 (2) pp. 33-44 2024
  • Hadtudományi Bizottság: B hazai
  • Állam- és Jogtudományi Bizottság: D hazai
  • Europe
  • Armed forces protections
  • Manufacturing of helicopters
  • Conflict heritage
  • Munitions devices and energetic contents
  • UAV
  • Modern and contemporary history
Combat helicopters, once a dominant force on the battlefield, are facing an existential crisis in the wake of the Ukraine war. Their vulnerability to advanced air defence systems and proliferation of cheap, effective drones has led to significant losses and a re-evaluation of their role in modern warfare. The article explores this changing landscape, detailing the historical significance of helicopters and the challenges they face in Ukraine. It analyses the rise of drones and their growing importance in modern conflicts. Finally, the article discusses the future of helicopter warfare, potential adaptations, and the ethical and strategic considerations surrounding drone technology.
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2025-01-15 00:03