SDHI treatment significantly affects the occurrence of sdhC-G724A (G169D), but not that of a novel marker, sdhC-A472G (N85S) in Hungarian populations of the grapevine powdery mildew fungus

F., Matolcsi [Matolcsi, Fruzsina (Mikológia), author] Department of Pathophysiology (NÖVI); K., Borostyán [Borostyán, Katalin (mikológia), author] Department of Pathophysiology (NÖVI); D., Seress [Seress, Diána (Mikológia), author] Department of Pathophysiology (NÖVI); P., Hoffmann; O., Molnár [Molnár, Orsolya (Mikrobiológia), author] Department of Pathophysiology (NÖVI); A., Pintye [Pintye, Alexandra (Biológiai tudományok), author] Department of Pathophysiology (NÖVI); G., Stammler; R., Zito; G. M., Kovács [Kovács, M. Gábor (Mikológia), author]; M. Z., Németh [Németh Z., Márk (biológiai tudományok), author] Department of Pathophysiology (NÖVI)

English Not classified (Miscellaneous) Scientific
Published: 2024
    • MTMT: 35264504
    Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
    2025-01-15 01:06