High species richness of sheep‐grazed sand pastures is driven by disturbance‐tolerant and weedy short‐lived species

Kovacsics‐Vári, Gergely [Kovacsics-Vári, Gergely (növényökológia, r...), author] Ökológiai Tanszék (UD / IBE); Sonkoly, Judit [Sonkoly, Judit (növényökológia), author] Ökológiai Tanszék (UD / IBE); HUN-REN-DE Functional and Restoration Ecology R... (UD); Tóth, Katalin [Tóth, Katalin (Növényökológia), author] Ökológiai Tanszék (UD / IBE); HUN-REN-DE Functional and Restoration Ecology R... (UD); McIntosh‐Buday, Andrea [McIntoshné Buday, Andrea (növényökológia), author] Ökológiai Tanszék (UD / IBE); HUN-REN-DE Functional and Restoration Ecology R... (UD); Díaz Cando, Patricia Elizabeth [Diaz Cando, Patricia Elizabeth (C4 grass invasion...), author] Ökológiai Tanszék (UD / IBE); Törő‐Szijgyártó, Viktória [Törő-Szijgyártó, Viktória (Környezettudomány...), author] Ökológiai Tanszék (UD / IBE); HUN-REN-DE Functional and Restoration Ecology R... (UD); Balogh, Nóra [Balogh, Nóra (növényökológia), author] Ökológiai Tanszék (UD / IBE); Guallichico Suntaxi, Luis Roberto; Espinoza Ami, Francis David; Matus, Gábor [Matus, Gábor (Vegetációdinamika), author] Növénytani Tanszék (UD / IBE); Tóthmérész, Béla [Tóthmérész, Béla (Ökológia), author] Ökológiai Tanszék (UD / IBE); HUN-REN-DE Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services ... (UD); Török, Péter ✉ [Török, Péter (Növényökológia, R...), author] Ökológiai Tanszék (UD / IBE); HUN-REN-DE Functional and Restoration Ecology R... (UD)

English Article (Journal Article) Scientific
Published: ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 2045-7758 2045-7758 14 (9) Paper: e70282 , 12 p. 2024
  • SJR Scopus - Ecology: Q1
  • (KKP 144068) Funder: NRDIO
  • (K 137573) Funder: HSRF
  • (PD 137747) Funder: NRDIO
  • (BO/00587/23/8)
  • (ÚNKP23-3-I)
  • Environmental sciences
We selected 15 sheep‐grazed sand pastures along a gradient of increasing grazing intensity to study the fine‐scale patterns of main biomass fractions (green biomass, litter) and that of plant species and functional groups (life forms and social behaviour types). We classified them into five grazing intensity levels based on stocking density, proximity to drinking and resting places and the number of faeces. We aimed to answer the following questions: (i) How does increasing intensity of sheep grazing affect the amount of green biomass, the species richness and their relationship in sand pastures? (ii) How does increasing intensity of sheep grazing affect the biomass of perennial and short‐lived graminoids and forbs? (iii) How does the disturbance value—expressed in the biomass ratio of disturbance‐tolerant and ruderal species—change along the gradient of grazing intensity? A unimodal relationship between green biomass and species richness was detected; however, the ordination (canonical correspondence analysis, CCA) showed no clustering of pastures subjected to the same levels of grazing intensity. Along the grazing intensity gradient we found an increasing trend in species richness and significant differences in green biomass (decreasing trend), litter (decreasing trend), graminoids (decreasing trend) and short‐lived forbs (increasing trend). We found an increasing amount of disturbance‐tolerant and ruderal species with increasing grazing intensity. We suggest that we might need to use multiple scales for sampling and a fine‐scale assessment of grazing intensity. Our findings might be instructive for pastures in densely populated regions, which are prone to the encroachment of disturbance‐tolerant and ruderal species.
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2025-02-12 20:32