Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
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In English
International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation
Lestyán, Mária [szerk.]
Bodnár, László [Bodnár, László (rendészettudomány...), szerk.] Tűzvédelmi Mérnöki Tanszék (NKE / RTK / KATINT)
Érces, Gergő [Érces, Gergő (Rendészettudomány...), szerk.] Tűzvédelmi Mérnöki Tanszék (NKE / RTK / KATINT)
Varga, Ferenc [Varga, Ferenc (Rendészettudomány...), szerk.] Tűzvédelmi Mérnöki Tanszék (NKE / RTK / KATINT)
Angol nyelvű Konferenciakötet (Könyv) Tudományos
Megjelent: Magyar Tűzvédelmi Szövetség, Budapest, Magyarország, 154 p.
International Disaster Management Scientific Conference 2024-05-23 [Budapest, Magyarország]
MTMT: 35189379
Teljes dokumentum:
Katasztrófahelyzeti egészségügyi ellátási tervek, koncepciók és releváns egészségügyi szolgáltatások
Kritikus infrastruktúra, veszélyhelyzeti rendszerek, biztonsági, védelmi technológiák
Rácz Sándor et al. Can the regulatory and intervention side keep up with innovation in construction and use of buildings?. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 6-13
Érces Gergő et al. The role of BIM as a kind of digital repository of the future for recording the fire safety situationmonitoring and assessing changes and maintaining the expected level of safety. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 14-20
Almási Csaba et al. Impact of Road Accidents involving the Transport of Flammable Substances on the Development of Road Transport. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 21-27
"Bodnár László" et al. The effect of global climate change on wildfires - Major changes in the fire trends.. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 28-33
Szakályné Gyürü Karina. Examination of the prevention activities of the fire protection authority at the local level. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 34-39
Horváth Hermina et al. Hungary in the light of the European Union's road transport. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 40-46
Horváth Lilla. Importance of firefighter’s personal protective equipment in particular to wildfires. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 47-54
Hózer Benjámin. Case study - fire safety of a landfill. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 55-60
Huszár Zsolt. Accidents, fires, their causes and ways to prevent them during construction works. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 61-69
Kátai-Urbán Maxim et al. Environmental Pollution Consequences of Chemical Warehouse Fires. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 70-75
Pántya Péter et al. Firefighter interventions in the age of smart devices. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 82-90
Mihály István et al. The Development of Pressurised Smoke-free Staircases in Hungary. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 91-98
Ondrejcsik László et al. The role and importance of medical health care and treatment of injured people contaminated with radionuclides. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 99-105
Paluch László et al. Storage and Charging Conditions of Postal Electric Vehicles. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 106-111
Ronyecz Lilla et al. International experiences in risk analysis of critical infrastructures. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 112-118
Szalóki Tamás et al. Industrial safety vulnerability assessment of electricity installations. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 119-124
Tóth Levente et al. Artificial Intelligence in Fire Detection. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 125-130
Vásárhelyi Örs. Digitalization in fire protection, with a special focus on fire safety logbooks.. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 131-136
Horváth Zoltán et al. Climate change impacts on energy infrastructure - analysis of impacts on energy security. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 137-145
"Érces Gergő" et al. Visualisation of disaster management data in BIM models.. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation pp. 146-151
Pántya Péter et al. The Hungarian fire intervention activity and its means in traffic accidents of electric vehicles. (2024) Megjelent: International Disaster Management Scientific Conference - Focus on Changes in the Fire Safety Situation p. 152
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