Does running performance differ on domestic and international games in TSC football team?

Halasi, Szabolcs [Halasi, Szabolcs (Testnevelés, sport), author] Faculty of Pedagogy (GFU); Angyal, Nándor; Štajer, Anita; Thékes, István [Thékes, István (Neveléstudomány), author] Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (GFU); Győri, Ferenc [Győri, Ferenc József (sport- és egészsé...), author] Sporttudományi Tanszék (UP / FHS / FSI); Gál Ferenc University; Stupar, Dušan; Dugandžija, Tihomir

English Abstract (Journal Article) Scientific
Published: BMC PROCEEDINGS 1753-6561 18 (11) pp. 45-46 Paper: A107 2024
    Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
    2025-02-09 21:48