Társadalomszerkezet, egyenlőtlenségek, társadalmi mobilitás, etnikumközi kapcsolatok
Based on Statistics Finland’s Quality of Work Life Survey 2018, this paper seeks how
Finnish employees’ use of digital tools differs from each other, what sociodemographic
and work contextrelated factors these differences are connected to, and how differences
in usage are reflected in the effects of digitalisation on employees’ work. The research
identified five user groups. Nearly half of the employees are classified as Skilled
Users, which are typically of a young age. Challenges for other groups include deficiencies
in digital skills, problems in learning to use digital tools, routine-like usage,
low learning demands at work, and a high workload and learning pressure arising from
intensive use of digital tools. The results support the sequential and compound digital
exclusion arguments derived from previous literature, but do not fully support the
stratification argument. The paper shows that among employees there are digital divides
of various types. Narrowing these gaps requires different policies and customised