(Open access funding provided by Semmelweis University)
Clinical medicine
There is abundant evidence that bone mineral content is highly heritable, while the
heritability of bone quality (i.e. trabecular bone score [TBS] and quantitative ultrasound
index [QUI]) is rarely investigated. We aimed to disentangle the role of genetic,
shared and unique environmental factors on TBS and QUI among Hungarian twins. Our
study includes 82 twin (48 monozygotic, 33 same-sex dizygotic) pairs from the Hungarian
Twin Registry. TBS was determined by DXA, QUI by calcaneal bone ultrasound. To estimate
the genetic and environmental effects, we utilized ACE-variance decomposition. For
the unadjusted model of TBS, an AE model provided the best fit with > 80% additive
genetic heritability. Adjustment for age, sex, BMI and smoking status improved model
fit with 48.0% of total variance explained by independent variables. Furthermore,
there was a strong dominant genetic effect (73.7%). In contrast, unadjusted and adjusted
models for QUI showed an AE structure. Adjustments improved model fit and 25.7% of
the total variance was explained by independent variables. Altogether 70–90% of the
variance in QUI was related to additive genetic influences. We found a strong genetic
heritability of bone quality in unadjusted models. Half of the variance of TBS was
explained by age, sex and BMI. Furthermore, the adjusted model suggested that the
genetic component of TBS could be dominant or an epistasis could be present. In contrast,
independent variables explained only a quarter of the variance of QUI and the additive
heritability explained more than half of all the variance.