Recenzió Glavanits Judit-Papp Nikolett (szerk.): A fogyasztóvédelem egyes aktuális
kérdései: A békés vitarendezés lehetőségei a 21. század technológia-intenzív közegében
című művéhez
The six discussed studies in this volume provide an umbrella-like summary of the possibilities
of consumer protection in Hungary in the 21st century. The studies in the volume comprehensively
examine and bring together the aspects and phenomena that place consumer protection
in the technology-intensive environment of the 21st century. Each author presents
a perspective on the areas discussed, providing an overview of the different institutions,
EU or national legislation and practices that characterise consumer protection. This
portrayal of consumer protection is novel, innovative and niche. The authors of each
study seek to address novel problems and outline possible institutional arrangements
by presenting professional arguments for improving the jurisprudence of their subject.
While diverse in scope, all the studies in this volume share a common focus
on consumer financial protection. The volume progresses from exploring general consumer
protection issues to examining the specific aspects of consumer protection related
to financial products built on blockchain technology. The volume also includes a study
on social media services. In conclusion, the volume reflects the careful expertise
of both the authors and the editors. Which contributes to a deeper understanding of
the landscape of financial consumer protection.