Keywords: Digitalization; Economic empowerment; Financial inclusion; Social impact;
Technological innovate
Mobile money has emerged as a powerful tool for promoting financial inclusion in Ghana.
This study explores the impact of mobile money services on individuals' access to
formal financial services, economic empowerment, and overall financial well-being
within the Ghanaian context. Deploying a qualitative research design, the study examines
the improvement in financial access and inclusion brought about by mobile money, explores
the economic and social impacts of mobile money usage, identifies factors influencing
the adoption and usage of mobile money services, and delves into the associated challenges
and opportunities. The findings of this study highlight the positive impact of mobile
money on financial inclusion in Ghana and show that mobile money has expanded access
to formal financial services, leading to improved economic empowerment and overall
financial wellbeing for individuals and communities. The outcomes of this study will
be valuable additions to existing literature for policymakers, financial service providers,
and other stakeholders involved in promoting financial inclusion and digital financial
services adoption in Ghana