Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
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In English
New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century
Kaposi, Zoltán [Kaposi, Zoltán (Gazdaság- és társ...), szerk.] Marketing és Turizmus Intézet (PTE / KTK)
Rab, Virág [Rab, Virág (magyar gazdaság- ...), szerk.] Modernkori Történeti Tanszék (PTE / BTK / TTI)
Angol, Német és Francia nyelvű Tanulmánykötet (Könyv) Tudományos
Megjelent: MTA Pécsi Területi Bizottság, Pécs, Magyarország, 328 p.
Studies on Economic and Social History from Southern Transdanubia 2732-3048, IV.
MTMT: 35023193
Horeczki Réka. The impact of settlement character on urban development. Some example of small towns in South Transdanubia. (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 31-39
Kaposi Zoltán. Krise und Erneuerung: Wirtschaftliche Veränderungen während der Agrarkrise Ende des 19. Jah-rhunderts in der süd-transdanubischen Region Ungarns. (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 41-60
Halász Imre. Die Herausbildung des Geldinstitutsnetzes während des österreich-unga- rischen Dualismus im Komitat Somogy (Schomodei). (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 61-77
Pelles Márton. The history of the Neptun Sea Navigation Company (1933–1947). (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 78-87
Borsy Judit. Affaires de succession de la justice seigneuriale de Pécsvárad dans les années de 1830. (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 106-119
Koloh Gábor. Die bäuerliche Landwirtschaft auf den Gütern des Ordensfonds in Baranya in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhundert. (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 121-143
Luka Dániel. Agricultural Decisions and Disagreements in Stalinist Hungary, 1948–1953. (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 144-162
Fritz János. Zwei Grossgrundbesitzer von Somogy an der Spitze der ungarischen Agrar-politik in der Zwischenkriegszeit – die Tätigkeit von Graf László Somssich und Graf Miksa Hoyos. (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 163-181
Zsindely Borbála Rózsa. Von Mehlmotten bis zu den Vogelhäusern. Das Leben und die Arbeit des kárászer Müllers Márton Kühnel (1884–1961). (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 182-201
Polgár Tamás. Finanzwesen einer Adelsfamilie in Somogy in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 202-210
Kovács Dániel László. Elections in one Hungarian county in the period of expanding political pub-licity and participation. Career paths in the county administration, 1806–1830. (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 212-231
Pintér Tamás. Archontologie der Offizierkorps des Komitats Baranya (1790–1849). (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 232-257
Deák George. Lajos Esztergár before the People’s Court: The Mayor of Pécs and the Holocaust. (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 259-290
Győrfi Gergely. Der Sequester der jüdischen Geschäfte und Betriebe in Kaposvár nach der deutschen Besatzung. (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 301-316
Rab Virág. "The Summer of a Man's Life". Universal and Individual Patterns of Yo-ung Adulthood in the Life of Loránt Hegedüs. (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 318-326
Zab Tamás Lóránd. Writing Mythology. Representations of the Hungarian Soviet-Republic in Pál Somogyi’s works. (2024) Megjelent: New Investigations into the Economic and Social History of Hungary from the 18th to 21st Century pp. 327-338
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