Nowadays, travel-based multitasking is a thoroughly studied area, especially regarding
the daily commuting and longer work-related trips. We already examined travel-based
multitasking in a busy urban environment based on a data collection in 2019, focusing
on the metro as a main mode of transportation—these results were presented at the
10th International Conference on Transportation Sciences in Győr, 2020. In 2023, another
survey was conducted with basically the same methodology. The aim in both cases was
to reveal characteristics of travel-based multitasking, taking societal factors (e.g.,
age, gender) and travel-specific characteristics (e.g., crowding, journey length)
into account—but the latter data collection provides an opportunity to assess the
effects of the past four years, including the potential impact of digitalization,
the prevalence of flexible work hours, remote work, or home office also. Descriptive
statistical tools were used for the analysis, with the aim of identifying the differences
and similarities between the two datasets, comparing the change of various activity
groups’ shares in the sample, and calculating the proportions of activities in different
age and social groups, journey length, etc. Our paper focuses on the Budapest metro,
examining and comparing the passengers’ activities in 2019 and 2023.