In the recent past we considered energy supply as a centrally managed, inexhaustible,
cheep source of power, gas, water, heat. Nowadays, in the era of economic crises,
growing number of warlike conflicts, vulnerable global supply chains, climate change
- this is not that obvious anymore. As an aftermath of all recent changes, it common
to talk about decentralised generation, energy communities, microgrids, demand management.
The energy industry is still one of the biggest emitters in its never-ending contest
to cope with steadily growing energy hunger of the world. In this context energy industry
does its best to behave on a responsible manner and exploits all possible non-fossil,
non or reduced emitting, renewable primer energy resources to decrease – or keep the
level at least – of the emission of greenhouse gases. In this study our aim is to
demonstrate the possible positive impact of an energy source, not yet utilised to
its full potential, the biogas. We analyse under what economic, social, regulatory
environment can grow up to its potential and what are the preconditions of feasibility.