Agrobacterium tumefaciens versus Rhizobium rhizogenes: Az Arabidopsis thaliana redox
homeosztázisának megfigyelésére szolgáló két transzformációs technika összehasonlítása
= Agrobacterium tumefaciens versus Rhizobium rhizogenes: A comparison of two transformation
techniques for monitoring redox homeostasis of Arabidopsis thaliana
Genetic transformation is an essential tool for analyzing gene function in plants.
A. tumefaciens and R.
rhizogenes are soil-borne Gram-negative bacteria, causative agents of crown gall and
hairy roots,
respectively. This research aimed to determine whether stable transformants of Arabidopsis
ecotype Col-0 obtained by the A. tumefaciens-mediated floral dip transformation differ
in the cellular
redox state from non-stable transformants generated by R. rhizogenes-mediated hairy
transformation. To obtain information about the cellular redox state, we introduced
and expressed the
redox-sensitive green fluorescent protein construct containing a fusion product of
the human
glutaredoxin (GRX1-roGFP2), which allows dynamic live imaging of the glutathione redox
(EGSH) with high sensitivity. To develop an efficient R. rhizogenes-mediated transformation
method on
Arabidopsis, we analyzed the effects of various environmental, nutritional, and procedural
on transformation efficiency. The dynamic changes of EGSH were measured in wild-type
glutathione reductase 1, and dehydroascorbate reductase 2 mutant plants via confocal
microscopy over
60 min following treatment with 150 mM NaCl or 300 mM mannitol. Based on our results,
similar EGSH
values were measured in roGFP2 expressing WT and mutant plants produced by two different
transformation techniques under control conditions and after stress treatments too.
mediated by R. rhizogenes has proved a faster and more feasible genetic manipulation
in a relatively
short time. This method can be used to analyze redox changes in response to stresses
or for functional
analysis of different genes. This study was supported by the Hungarian National Research,
Development, and Innovation Office (Grant Number: NKFIH 6 K 138589).