New and Noteworthy Lichen-Forming and Lichenicolous Fungi 13. A Revision of the Xanthoria
Ectaneoides Complex (Xanthorioideae, Teloschistaceae) Including the New Species Xanthoria
Xanthoria ectaneoides , usually recognised by its secondary sublobules, is circumscribed
in a strict sense using spore size and a molecular phylogeny based on ITS-sequences.
The species, earlier considered a synonym of X. aureola , forms a subclade with X.
coomae and the new species X. pylyporlykii , described here, whereas X. aureola is
positioned in the Xanthoria calcicola subclade. The new species X. pylyporlykii is
characterised by a combination of characters typical either for Xanthoria ectaneoides
or X. coomae .