Analysing the Waste Management Attitude and Behaviour of University Students

Veronika, László [László, Veronika (fenntartható élel...), author] Innovációmenedzsment Intézeti Tanszék (UP / FE / IM); Andrea, Magda Nagy [Nagy, Andrea Magda (közgazdaság), author]; Stefánia, Matild Töreki [Töreki, Stefánia Matild (gazdaságtudomány,...), author] Marketing Intézeti Tanszék (UP / FE / ÜTI)

English Abstract (Conference paper) Scientific
    • MTMT: 34825184
    Effective waste management is a crucial aspect of any sustainable economy. Therefore analysing the attitude, behaviour and intentions of consumers can significantly reduce waste disposal and can positively affect the environment, economy and society. Our goal was to examine university students' attitudes towards waste management, to analyse the level of awareness, knowledge and to highlight influencing factors related to the practice of waste management. After summarizing the main findings of previous analysis, a focus group interview with students from University of Pannonia was carried out. The framework for the interview was built upon World Café results. The data was then analysed in a quantitative (text analysis) and a qualitative way. Our findings pinpoint to major barriers that influence waste disposal behaviour such as lack of motivation, lack of interest, lack of knowledge, indifference, laziness. This can help creating more adequate and more effective education material for younger people and in the long run can assist in building a more aware society regarding waste and waste management.
    Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
    2025-02-16 16:04