Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
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In English
Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education
Földesi, Renáta [Földesi, Renáta (konduktív pedagógia), szerk.] Konduktív Pedagógiai Intézet (SE / PAK)
Kollega Tarsoly, István [Kollega Tarsoly, István Dániel (történelem, genea...), szerk.] Humántudományi Intézet (SE / PAK)
Túri, Ibolya [Túri, Ibolya (neveléstudomány), szerk.] Konduktív Pedagógiai Intézet (SE / PAK)
Vissi, Tímea [Vissi, Tímea (konduktív pedagógia), szerk.] Konduktív Pedagógiai Intézet (SE / PAK)
Angol nyelvű Konferenciakötet (Könyv) Tudományos
Megjelent: Semmelweis Egyetem Pető András Kar, Budapest, Magyarország, 160 p.
11th World Congress on Conductive Education 2022-11-25 [Online konferencia, Nemzetközi]
MTMT: 34819953
Ábrahám Hajnalka. Postnatal development of the human cerebellum - Morphological alterations in preterms. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 5-18
Csaba Attila et al. Presentation of the medical rehabilitation outpatient unit at András Pető Faculty of Semmelweis University. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 19-25
Kállay Zsófia. Milestones of conductor training. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 27-33
Kapcsándy Gabriella et al. Analysis of the cooperation between conductive education and the family. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 35-42
Matos László. Alternative Possibilities in Musical Development of Conductive Groups. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 43-54
Mező Katalin. Special Ways of Talent Management. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 55-64
Oravecz Adrienn. Interesting results from a doctoral research about Integration and Conductive Education will be revealed. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 65-73
Pásztorné Tass Ildikó. The answer of the educational programme to the society's needs. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 75-79
Pintér Henriett et al. New opportunities for conductive education research in the light of the analysis of professional networks emerging based on the networks of authors of cerebral palsy interventions published in international journals. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 81-104
Szabó-Pálinkás Ditta et al. The interdependence of hand functions and quality of life of teenagers with cerebral palsy in special education. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 119-126
Szilárd Zsuzsanna et al. The importance of preventive thinking about physical condition of conductor students. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 127-131
Túri Ibolya. Experiences of a study on views regarding the conductor profession and conductor training. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 133-147
Vissi Tímea et al. Traditional application of Sage in conductive education. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 149-156
Zsebe Andrea et al. Social awareness-raising with sensitizing programmes. (2024) Megjelent: Presentations of the XI-XII World Congresses on Conductive Education pp. 157-160
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