Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
Átlépés a keresőbe
In English
II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings
Kovács, Gábor [Kovács, Gábor (rendészettudomány), szerk.] Rendészeti Vezetéstudományi Tanszék (NKE / RTK)
Mészáros, Bence [Mészáros, Bence (rendészettudomány...), szerk.] Krimináltaktikai Tanszék (NKE / RTK)
Czenczer, Orsolya [Czenczer, Orsolya (Rendészettudomány...), szerk.] Büntetés-végrehajtási Tanszék (NKE / RTK)
Angol nyelvű Konferenciakötet (Könyv) Tudományos
Megjelent: Magyar Rendészettudományi Társaság, Budapest, Magyarország, 346 p.
II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium 2023-10-25 [Budapest, Magyarország]
MTMT: 34805847
NKE Közszolgálati Tudásportál:
Teljes dokumentum:
Fegyveres erők védelme
Jog, kriminológia, pönológia
Skender Agaj. The Impact of International Cooperation in Public Safety Training and Education: the Case of the Kosovo Academy for Public Safety (KAPS) 2014-2022. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 4-14
Oğuzhan Akgün. IPE and Law Enforcement: Understanding China’s Abroad Law Enforcement Activities through an Internatinal Political Economy Perspective. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 15-27
József Bacsárdi et al. Audit System in the Service of Municipal Safety. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 28-39
Gábor Bélai. New Trends in Illicit Drug Markets and Laboratories – a Forensic Aspect. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 40-45
Mária Zsóka Bellavics. The Application of Psychiatric Expertise In Law Enforcement. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 46-56
Gábor Bihari et al. Innovations in forensic genetics. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 57-69
Martin Bohman et al. Experience with Cybercrime in the Environment of the Police of the Czech Republic – the Police of the Czech Republic and Artificial Intelligence. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 70-83
João Cabaço. The Importance of Intercultural Competence in European Agencies in the Field of Justice and Home Affairs. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 84-98
Orsolya Czenczer et al. Green Prisons in Hungary?. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 99-107
Viktória Czene-Polgár et al. Innovative Solutions for Teaching the History of Finance Guard – Presentation of Research Findings. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 108-119
Yuliia Halenko. Challenges to the Education in the Law Enforcement Sector of Ukraine. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 120-127
Gergely Hlavacska et al. Law Enforcement UrbanGo: Mysterious Budapest – The Experiences of a Citybound Game in Law Enforcement Higher Education. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 128-135
Alexandru Ioan. Artificial Intelligence in Modern Policing – Exploring the Multifaceted Impacts. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 136-146
Izabella Kakuja. Crime Scene Investigation at Radioactive Contaminated Sites. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 147-156
Ádám Kalmár. Operation ‘Swimming Salt’' – One of the most serious organised crime investigations ever on the Danube. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 157-167
Balázs Kocsis et al. Next-generation DNA Sequencing in the Mirror of Law Enforcement. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 168-180
Gábor Kovács. The Possibilities of Defining and Measuring Teacher Performance in the Police Officer Training System. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 181-188
Magasvári Adrienn et al. An Empirical Study of the Finance Guard Service in the Light of the Recruits. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 189-202
Jozef Meteňko et al. University Education and Training in Criminalistics and Forensic Sciences in Slovakia. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 203-218
Gábor Németh. EU Support to Strengthen Border Security in the Middle East, North Africa Region. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 219-229
Ahmet Nuredini. Cyber Crimes – Modern Threat to the Information Security. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 230-237
Jadranka Otašević et al. Forensic Voice Analysis in Criminal Investigations. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 238-246
Dávid Petrétei et al. Innovative and traditional techniques in crime scene reconstruction: a case study. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 247-255
Nenad Radovic et al. Environmental Crime in Serbia. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 256-261
Tamás Stadler. Application of modern analytical methods in forensic geology. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 262-269
Sziebig Orsolya Johanna. Why is Implementing the UNTOC Essential to Combat Environmental Crime?. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 270-278
Ferenc Urbán. Forced Migration from Ukraine to the EU since the Outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war – with Focus on Hungary. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 279-289
Gabriella Ürmösné Simon et al. How to motivate Law Enforcement Students & How their Individual Flow State is reflected in ESP Classes. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 290-300
Fernando Manuel Barroso. Banking Monitoring and Compliance in the Prevention of Money Laundering. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 301-320
József Volarics. The Formation Mechanism of Projectile Entry Wound on Skin. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 321-328
Tamás Vörös et al. Possible applications of annealing in forensic glass examinations. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 329-337
Zsigmond Csaba. Organised Crime in International Environmental Crime. (2024) Megjelent: II. Ludovika International Law Enforcement Research Symposium Conference Proceedings pp. 338-345
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