The Xántus’s herbarium in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (BP)

Pifkó, Dániel [Pifkó, Dániel (Botanika), author]

English Article (Journal Article) Scientific
Published: STUDIA BOTANICA HUNGARICA 0301-7001 54 (2) pp. 175-204 2023
  • X. Földtudományok Osztálya: D
The list of the 184 specimens of the American botanical collection of János Xántus sent to Hungary in 1861 is presented. Altogether 24 syntypes of 23 taxa were recognised in this material: Abutilon xanti A. Gray, Amaranthus torreyi (A. Gray) Bentham ex S. Watson var. suffruticosus Uline et W. L. Bray, Bahia parviflora A. Gray, Blitum californicum S. Watson, Buddleja crotonoides A. Gray, Caesalpinia mexicana A. Gray var. californica A. Gray, Caulanthus coulteri S. Watson, Celosia floribunda A. Gray, Chaenactis xantiana A. Gray, Chorizanthe perfoliata A. Gray, Chorizanthe xanti S. Watson, Clarkia xantiana A. Gray, Coursetia glandulosa A. Gray, Dyssodia speciosa A. Gray, Gomphocarpus tometosus var. xanti A. Gray, Hyptis tephrodes A. Gray, Krynitzkia microstachys Greene ex A. Gray, Macreightia intricata A. Gray, Nicotiana attenuata Torr. ex S. Watson, Penstemon laetus A. Gray, Polygala xanti A. Gray, Solanum xanti A. Gray, Viguiera tomentosa A. Gray; as well as isolectotypes of 2 taxa, i.e. Phaseolus atropurpureus Sessé et Moçiño ex DC. var. sericeus A. Gray, and Stachys albens A. Gray; and isoparatypes of 3 taxa, i.e. Amaranthus watsonii Standley, Froelichia xantusii R. A. McCauley, and Kallstroemia peninsularis D. M. Porter.
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2025-01-21 09:14