Purification efficiency for selected bentonites in laboratory settling tank

Hilger, B.; Banaś, M.; Wisła-Walsh, E.; Warzecha, P.

Angol nyelvű Konferenciaközlemény (Könyvrészlet) Tudományos
    Water pollutants: biological, chemical or mechanical ones (colloid solid phase and semi – colloid phase) can get into surface water intakes with water coming from for example rainfalls, or storms – they are washed out from fields and areas located in river catchments, and if there is a dry season, they can be windblown even from further areas. It is unacceptable according to increase in demand of more purer, clear and clean water to distribute water containing such pollutants to a population of cities and villages. In municipal water treatment station such water is purified from the natural pollutants among others in sedimentation tanks. They are often equipped witch some kind of multiflux lamella packets in order to improve purification efficiency, and save precious space. The aim of this paper is to check how well laboratory settling tank with hexagonal multiflux lamella packet purifies water with fixed amount of one natural pollutant – bentonites. Turbidity is used as a primary indicator to determine the efficiency of settling tank – in comparison to the gravimetric analysis or paper filter analysis it allows quick and easy way to obtain results. Different bentonite samples characterized by particle sizes and montmorillonite content were used as a pollutants in experiment. Purification efficiency was obtained during flow measurement in laboratory settling tank equipped with hexagonal mutiflux lamella packet. © SGEM2016. All rights reserved.
    Hivatkozás stílusok: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLMásolásNyomtatás
    2025-01-19 07:51