Hogyan látják az élelmezésvezetők az iskolai közétkeztetést? Kerekasztal-beszélgetés kvalitatív tartalomelemzése a menzáról

Kiss, Anna [Kiss, Anna (dietetika, táplál...), author]; Pfeiffer, Laura [Pfeiffer, Laura (táplálkozástudomány), author]; Dominek-Hajdu, Zsófia; Soós, Sándor [Soós, Sándor (Tudományelemzés), author] Library and Information Centre of the Hungarian...; Institute of Research on Adult Education and Kn... (ELTE); Tompa, Orsolya [Tompa , Orsolya (Táplálkozástudomány), author]

Hungarian Study (Chapter in Book) Scientific
    Children are a vulnerable group in terms of obesity, nearly 20% of Hungarian kindergarten and school-aged children are overweight or obese. School catering plays a decisive role in shaping the nutritional behavior of children. To support the prevention of obesity and to increase the quality of children’s diets, the provisions for school catering were included in legislation in 2014. This work aims to provide a qualitative content analysis of the round table discussion about the school catering system at an interdisciplinary conference aiming at the identification of the most important messages about school meals conveyed in the discussion. During the qualitative analysis of the round table discussion, seven main categories emerged: factors supporting the acceptance implementation of public catering, factors inhibiting the acceptance/implementation of public catering, everyday problems in the implementation of public catering, the task of caterers and public catering, the transformation of public catering, the cooperation of parties interested in public catering, factors helping children to cooperate. The co-occurrence network of subcategories and values breaks down into one large component and several separate, small components. Thus, it can be concluded that the majority of sub-themes and values are grouped into a coherent system. The results point to the outstanding role of school catering in healthy nutrition and nutrition education and the importance of close cooperation between parties interested in school catering to promote the social acceptance of catering and the prevention of childhood obesity.
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    2025-01-19 17:27