The introduction of school meals in the 20th century has its roots in several parallel
but independent initiatives. The common source of these initiatives was the practice
of philanthropy and charity, based on religious upbringing. Public catering for children
was first institutionalized in Budapest by a charitable organization, the Association
of Friends of Children [Gyermekbarát-ok Egyesülete], after which several denominational
associations followed suit. In the early 20th century, the City of Budapest itself
also took the initiative, setting up its first daycare centers where needy children
were not only fed but also participated in educational and recreational activities.
Resources for social welfare were eroded during the war, thus foreign aid organizations
stepped in to help the children of Budapest immediately after the war, while childcare
became the sole responsibility of the public authorities from the 1920s. From then
on, the state covered the entire costs of providing meals, similar to the system of
soup kitchens established specifically for supplying food to destitute adults.