eDNA metabarcoding reveals the role of habitat specialization and spatial and environmental variability in shaping diversity patterns of fish metacommunities

Erős, Tibor ✉ [Erős, Tibor (Ökológia), szerző] Balatoni Limnológiai Kutatóintézet; Funk, Andrea; Pont, Didier; Hein, Thomas; Meulenbroek, Paul; Preiszner, Bálint [Preiszner, Bálint (Biológia), szerző] Balatoni Limnológiai Kutatóintézet; Valentini, Alice; Czeglédi, István [Czeglédi, István (Hidrobiológia), szerző] Balatoni Limnológiai Kutatóintézet

Angol nyelvű Szakcikk (Folyóiratcikk) Tudományos
Megjelent: PLOS ONE 1932-6203 1932-6203 19 (1) p. e0296310 2024
  • Pedagógiai Tudományos Bizottság: A
  • Szociológiai Tudományos Bizottság: A nemzetközi
  • Regionális Tudományok Bizottsága: B nemzetközi
  • SJR Scopus - Multidisciplinary: Q1
  • (ANN-OTKA 141884)
  • Víztudományi és Vízbiztonsági Nemzeti Laboratórium(RRF-2.3.1-21-2022-00008) Támogató: NKFIH
  • ((138296) OTKA PD) Támogató: NKFIH
Information is scarce on how environmental and dispersal processes interact with biological features of the organisms, such as their habitat affinity, to influence patterns in biodiversity. We examined the role of habitat specialist vs. generalist species, and the spatial configuration, connectivity, and different environmental characteristics of river-floodplain habitats to get a more mechanistic understanding of alpha and beta diversity of fish metacommunities. We used environmental DNA metabarcoding to characterize species (taxa) richness and composition in two separate floodplains of the river Danube (Austria and Hungary) during two different hydrological conditions. Results showed that differences in the number of generalist and specialist species and their responses to connectivity and environmental gradients influenced patterns in alpha and beta diversity. Of the components of beta diversity, richness difference (nestedness) showed consistently higher values than replacement (turnover), mainly due to the decrease of specialist species along the connectivity gradient (i.e., from the mainstem to the most isolated oxbows). Variance in both alpha and beta diversity could be well predicted by a set of local and regional variables, despite high environmental variability, which characterizes river-floodplain ecosystems. Of these, the joint or shared variance fractions proved to be the most important, which indicates that the effects of local and regional processes cannot be unambiguously separated in these river-floodplain systems. Local scale environmental variables were more important determinants of both alpha and beta diversity in the low water period than in the high water period. These results indicate the differential role of local and regional processes in community organization during different hydrological conditions. Maintenance of both local and regional scale processes are thus important in the preservation of alpha and beta diversity of floodplain fish metacommunities, which should be considered by environmental management.
Hivatkozás stílusok: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLMásolásNyomtatás
2025-01-24 13:22