Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
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In English
The basics of psychotherapy
Unoka, Zsolt [Unoka, Zsolt (Pszichiátria), szerk.] Pszichiátriai és Pszichoterápiás Klinika (SE / AOK / K)
Purebl, György [Purebl, György (Pszichiátria, alv...), szerk.] Magatartástudományi Intézet (SE / AOK / I)
Túry, Ferenc [Túry, Ferenc (Pszichiátria), szerk.] Magatartástudományi Intézet (SE / AOK / I)
Bitter, István [Bitter, István (Elmekórtan), szerk.] Pszichiátriai és Pszichoterápiás Klinika (SE / AOK / K)
Campbell, Alan [Fordító]
Szőnyi, Gábor [Sajtó alá rendezte]
Butcher, Gerard J. [Sajtó alá rendezte]
Angol nyelvű Utánközlés (Könyv) Oktatási
Megjelent: Semmelweis Kiadó, Budapest, Magyarország, 279 p.
MTMT: 3420918
Egyéb katalógus:
Unoka Zsolt et al. The significance of psychotherapy in medical practice. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 3-8
László Tringer. The history of psychotherapy. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 9-13
Zsolt Unoka. Stages of the psychotherapeutic process I. Diagnosis, risk assessment psychotherapeutic indication. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 14-20
Zsolt Unoka. Stages of the psychotherapeutic process II. Case conceptualization. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 21-30
Zsolt Unoka. Stages of the psychotherapeutic process III. From concluding the contract to concluding therapy. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 31-39
István Bitter. Psychotherapy combined with pharmacotherapy and other medical interventions. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 40-47
Patrícia Polgár et al. The biological implications of psychotherapy. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 48-56
Zsolt Unoka. Common factors in psychotherapeutic outcome. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 59-68
Zsolt Unoka. Psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapies. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 69-77
Zsolt Unoka. Basic techniques of behavior therapy. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 78-86
Zsolt Unoka. Cognitive therapy. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 87-95
Zsolt Unoka. Person-centered and experiential therapy. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 96-104
László Lajtai et al. Interpersonal psychotherapy. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 105-108
Túry F.. Family therapy interventions in medical practice. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 109-117
Lajos Simon. Group psychotherapy. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 118-127
Berghammer Rita et al. Relaxation and symbol therapy methods, hypnotherapy. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 128-130
Zsolt Unoka. The psychotherapeutic approach to psychological responses to diseases. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 139-148
Unoka Zsolt et al. Depressive states and symptoms. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 159-168
Purebl György et al. Psychotherapy of somatic symptom and related disorders. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 177-184
Ferenc Túry et al. Psychotherapy of eating disorders. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 193-203
György Purebl. Psychotherapy in the treatment of insomnia. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 204-212
László Lajtai et al. Child and adolescent psychotherapy. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 223-230
Tényi Tamás. Psychotherapy and care of of psychotic patients. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 231-237
Purebl György. Psychotherapeutic support for patients with chronic medical conditions. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 238-243
Zsolt Unoka. "Difficult patients" in medical practice. Psychotherapeutic aspects of treating patients with various personality types. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 244-252
György Purebl et al. E-psychotherapy. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 254-258
Purebl György. Preventing burnout. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 259-263
József Kovács. Ethical and legal issues in psychotherapy.. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 264-271
Czobor Pál et al. The effectiveness of psychotherapy: empirical evidence and its evaulation. (2018) Megjelent: The basics of psychotherapy pp. 272-279
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