Investigation of the defense mechanisms aiding the survival of desiccation-tolerant Haberlea rhodopensis during terminal dehydration

Sági-Kazár, M [Sági-Kazár, Máté (Növénybiológia), author]; Zelenyánszki, H [Zelenyánszki, Helga (Molekuláris növén...), author]; Csizmadia, Z; Georgieva, K; Mihailova, G; Gigova, L; Popova, A; Velitchkova, M; Simova, Stoilova L; Solymosi, K [Solymosi, Katalin (növénybiológia), author]; Solti, Á [Solti, Ádám (Növénybiológia), author] Department of Plant Physiology and Molecular Pl... (ELTE / ELU FoS / Bio_I)

English Abstract (Conference paper) Scientific
    • MTMT: 34129494
    Environmental changes, such as drought, impose challenges on agriculture by inducing oxidative stress. Desiccation-tolerant species, like Haberlea rhodopensis, offer insight into plant defence against oxidative damage. Their ability to survive extreme water scarcity while preserving the photosynthetic apparatus makes them valuable models for studying adaptive strategies and potential crop improvement. Free radicals, often associated with oxidative damage are also important in signalling. Among them nitric oxide was found to accumulate in root tips at the start of dehydration, parallel to the increased oxidative defence in both leaves and shoots but was suppressed under severe desiccation. Nitric oxide signal also remains relatively stable following rehydration suggesting a persisting stress response and the faster reaction time of roots to water deficit. We aim to uncover the associated defence mechanisms of H. rhodopensis for its exceptional survival under extreme conditions by transcriptome analysis during dehydration and subsequent rehydration. This work was supported by the bilateral mobility grant between the Bulgarian and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (IC-HU/03/2022–2023; NKM 2021-34) and by the New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities, Hungary (ÚNKP-22-3-II-ELTE -755).
    Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
    2025-01-24 11:31