The π‐molecular complex of biphenylene and tetracyanoethylene

Dobszay, Rita; Mayer, Péter J. [Mayer, Péter József (Szerves kémia), szerző]; Holczbauer, Tamás [Holczbauer, Tamás (kémia, szerkezeti...), szerző] Szerkezetkutató Központ (HRN TTK); Szerves Kémiai Intézet (HRN TTK); Kunfi, Attila [Kunfi, Attila (szerves kémia), szerző] Funkcionális Szerves Anyagok Kutatócsoport (HRN TTK / SZKI); Stirling, András ✉ [Stirling, András (fizikai kémia, el...), szerző] Elméleti Kémiai Kutatócsoport (HRN TTK / SZKI); Kémia Tanszék (EKKE / TTK / KFI); Szerves Kémiai Intézet (HRN TTK); London, Gabor ✉ [London, Gábor (szerves kémia), szerző]

Angol nyelvű Szakcikk (Folyóiratcikk) Tudományos
Megjelent: HELVETICA CHIMICA ACTA 0018-019X 1522-2675 106 (9) Paper: e202300079 , 13 p. 2023
  • SJR Scopus - Drug Discovery: Q2
  • Tudomány
The investigation of the biphenylene (BP)‐tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) π‐molecular complex is reported. The first study on this complex appeared in 1961 and was considered as a charge transfer complex with a symmetric, co‐planar arrangement of the components. Moreover, it was assumed that this arrangement is not only dictated by the formation of a Mulliken‐type donor‐acceptor complex, but also by the electronic stabilization of the “cyclobutadieneoid” central ring of biphenylene through complex formation. Yet, crystal structure and associated computational analysis have not verified these predictions so far. We found that factors other than charge‐transfer interactions are most influential in the crystal formation. The low association constant in solution, and the weak interaction between the components in the 1:1 crystal structure point towards the low contribution of charge transfer interactions to their binding. Nevertheless, the presence of these interaction is hinted by the color of its solution and verified by theoretical calculations. Furthermore, Nucleus Independent Chemical Shift (NICS) calculations were carried out to characterize potential changes in the (anti)aromatic character of BP upon complex formation. The NICS(0) values of the rings of BP exhibit tiny changes both in the BP‐TCNE dimer and in the crystal, which also suggests weak electronic interactions between them.
Hivatkozás stílusok: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLMásolásNyomtatás
2024-10-11 08:32