The purpose of this study is to examine the question of whether the current form of
economic higher education meets the goals of sustainable education. In order to do
this, author examined whether university students studying economics perform better
in a special financial field, in their answers to the question of borrowing. For this
purpose, author analysed the results of his own previous questionnaire survey using
statistical methods. Among the questions in the questionnaire was selected those that
examine theoretical and practical knowledge related to loans. The results show that
the level of theoretical and practical financial knowledge of Hungarian higher education
students can still be improved. In order to do this, the basic knowledge should be
generally taught in the financial courses in higher education, while more specific
knowledge should be differentiated. A limitation of the research is that it only examined
Hungarian university students, it may be worthwhile searching for foreign students
with another query. Its originality, on the other hand, is the demonstration that
in sustainable higher education, in addition to the introduction of new educational
content and methods, students shall also acquire the ability of lifelong learning.