Role of CB1 receptors and endothelial factors in estrogen dependent vascular response and remodeling

Vass, Zsolt [Vass, Zsolt (PhD hallgató), author] Department of Morphology and Physiology (SU / FHS); School of PhD Studies (SU); Bányai, Bálint [Bányai, Bálint Péter (Élettan, Transzlá...), author] Department of Physiology (SU / FM / I); School of PhD Studies (SU); Kiss, Stella [Kiss, Stella Tímea (Élettan, Transzlá...), author] Department of Morphology and Physiology (SU / FHS); Nádasy, György [Nádasy, György László (Keringésélettan), author] Department of Physiology (SU / FM / I); Balogh, Anikó; Brandhuber, Dóra; Dörnyei, Gabriella [Bednárikné Dörnyei, Gabriella (Érfiziológia), author] Department of Morphology and Physiology (SU / FHS); Horváth, Eszter Mária [Horvath, Eszter Mária (Élettan), author] Department of Physiology (SU / FM / I); Hunyady, László [Hunyady, László (molekuláris élett...), author] Department of Physiology (SU / FM / I); Szekeres, Mária [Szekeres, Mária (Élettan), author] Department of Morphology and Physiology (SU / FHS)

English Abstract (Conference paper) Scientific
    • (K116954) Funder: NRDIO
    • (K139231)
    • (ÚNKP-22-3-II-SE-6)
    Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
    2025-01-18 03:55