A possible pseudosuchian archosaur coprolite from the Middle Triassic lacustrine Ordos
Basin, China: palaeobiological and palaeoecological significance
Coprolites provide valuable information for interpreting the feeding behaviours of
produc-ing animals and for deciphering trophic interactions within ancient ecosystems.
Here, a newly found elongated coprolite with a cylindrical, J-shaped morphology is
described in detail from the Ladinian of the Ordos Basin, Shaanxi, China. It is interpreted
to have been produced by a medium-to large-sized reptile based on multiple lines of
evidence including morphology, internal structure and inclu-sions. Three-dimensional
reconstructions of undigested food remains, imaged using microcomputed tomography
(Micro- CT), reveal that the reptile coprolite has fewer undigested inclusions than
that of a shark coprolite from the same stratigraphic layer, suggesting a stronger
digestive ability of its pro-ducer. The most probable producer is considered to be
a pseudosuchian archosaur based upon its sim-ilarities with crocodilian coprolites
previously recorded, evidence from neoichnology studies and the body fossil records
of laterally correlatable strata. The Middle Triassic Ordos Basin was previously interpreted
as the earliest known complex lacustrine ecosystem after the end-Permian mass extinction
(EPME). The discovery enriches the diversity of the camivorous predators, and refines
the complex-ity of biotic interactions in this lacustrine ecosystem. A multileveled
Mesozoic- type trophic network that displays complex predator- prey interactions among
high- order trophic levels involving reptiles furthermore may suggest full recovery
in the early Ladinian lacustrine ecosystem after the EPME.