Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
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In English
The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020
Szabó-Morvai, Á [Szabó-Morvai, Ágnes (Közgazdaságtan), szerk.] Közgazdaság-tudományi Intézet (KRTK)
Kónya, I [Kónya, István (Közgazdaságtan), szerk.] Közgazdaság-tudományi Intézet (KRTK)
Krekó, J [Krekó, Judit (közgazdász), szerk.] Közgazdaság-tudományi Intézet (KRTK)
Angol nyelvű Utánközlés (Könyv) Tudományos
Megjelent: Institute of Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies, Budapest, Magyarország, 393 p.
The Hungarian Labour Market 1785-8062
MTMT: 33669314
Teljes dokumentum:
Bakó T et al. Hungarian Labour Market, 2020. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 17-33
Kónya I et al. Introduction. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 37-38
Köllő J et al. The labour market before the pandemic. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 39-56
Köllő J. Employment during the pandemic. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 57-68
Köllő J. The pandemic and the Labour Force Survey. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 69-71
Köllő J. Change in measuring employment in 2021. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 71-72
Kónya I. Labour market flows during the Covid crisis. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 73-80
Köllő J et al. How much could unemployment have increased? Estimate based on internet searches. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 81-86
Kónya I et al. Job loss, job and occupation reallocation, from declarations of employer’s contributions. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 87-96
Boza I et al. Registered unemployment during the pandemic. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 103-110
Gáspár A et al. Average wages at exceptional times. Wage trends in Hungary during the first eighteen months of the coronavirus pandemic. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 111-119
Reizer B. Employment of Hungarian workers in Austria before and during the coronavirus pandemic. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 120-122
Szabó-Morvai Á et al. The impact of lockdown on mothers. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 123-127
Bíró A et al. Adherence to and impact of precautionary measures against the coronavirus in the European population over 50 years of age. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 128-134
Simonovits A. Covid-19 and the Hungarian pension system. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 135-139
Csillag M et al. Young people in the labour market and in the public employment services during the pandemic. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 140-146
Czaller L et al. Who work in jobs suitable for teleworking?. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 147-156
Pető R et al. In which industries and regions telework is possible also in the long run?. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 157-167
Kálmán J. Coworking offices in Budapest and the impact of the crisis. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 175-179
Varga J. International and domestic measures. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 180-189
Krekó J et al. Job retention wage subsidies during the pandemic in Hungary. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 190-193
Boza I et al. What happens to jobseekers after being registered?. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 194-199
Bazsalya B et al. Public work during the crisis. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 200-209
Csillag M. What did public employment services do during the Covid crisis?. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 210-213
Hermann Z. Participation in education, drop-out rate and repetition in the first year of the Covid pandemic. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 214-220
Varga J. Learning loss due to Covid. Simulation results. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 221-224
Hermann Z et al. Remote learning during the coronavirus pandemic. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 225-233
Elek P et al. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on mortality and on the health care system. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 234-243
Horn D et al. Risk preference and Covid-19. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 244-251
Czethoffer É. Statistical data. (2022) Megjelent: The Hungarian Labour Market, 2020 pp. 303-388
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