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EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Angol nyelvű Tudományos
Megjelent: European Geosciences Union (EGU), München, Németország
EGU General Assembly 2023 2023-04-23 [Bécs, Ausztria]
MTMT: 33655614
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Adam Igneczi et al. A high-resolution, operational pan-Arctic meltwater discharge database from 1950 to 2021. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Ádám Mészáros et al. Effect of various fertilizer doses on soil N2O and CO2 emissions in cropland soils in Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Agustiyara Agustiyara et al. Detecting forest fires by using remotely sensed data in Riau, Indonesia. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-7744
Alexander Theis et al. A wind tunnel investigation on the ventilation coefficients of hailstones. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-5991
Al-Graiti T et al. Studying soil organic matter composition in arable land : can soil management impact carbon pools?. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Aplin K. et al. Development and testing of a modernised Programmable Ion Mobility Spectrometer. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Bakacsi Zsófia et al. TUdi meta-database of long-term monitored farms and experiments to support soil degradation detection. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Balázs Pál et al. Historical land cover changes of the Erebe-islands forest reserve (Hungary) and their effects on carbon cycle. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Balog Kitti et al. Options for reducing agricultural ammonia emissions on different soil types. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Bence Bolla et al. What are the effects of forests on the hydrological cycle in connection with the changing climate?. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. -
Benő András et al. Harmonization and comparison of soil chemical properties of the LUCAS topsoil database and the Hungarian National Soil Monitoring System. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Bernatek-Jakiel A et al. A European database of soil piping-related features: a major step towards producing a piping erosion susceptibility map of Europe. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Bertalan László et al. Multi-temporal UAS surveys for reconstructing soil water content of ploughland plots through multispectral and thermal infrared imagery. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Bidló András et al. Effect of afforestation on the organic carbon stock of soils. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Bór J. et al. Immediate effects of the Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption on the AC and DC Global Electric Circuits. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Budayné Bódi Erika et al. UAV-based heterogeneity analysis of soil-plant-water system of small-plot experiment with different oat genotypes under Si and S foliar fertilization treatments. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Buzás A. et al. Community-based lightning detection in Europe: studying the detection efficiency of the BlitzOrtung network - a case study concerning lightning climatology over Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Chappon Máté et al. Improving methods to calculate the monthly water budget for Lake Velence, Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-8334
Clark AJ et al. A new clumped isotope-temperature calibration of cultured coccoliths under different pCO2 and temperature conditions. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Comeau MJ et al. Magnetotelluric data across Ciomadul volcano and the Perşani Volcanic Field — constrains on the nature and structure of the magma storage system. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Czecze Barbara et al. Comparison of earthquake swarm detection methods: Case study at Mór Graben, Hungary.. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Cziráki Kamilla et al. Estimation of the parameters of a lunar ellipsoid of revolution based on GRAIL selenoid data and Fibonacci mesh. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Csikós Nándor et al. Cropland productivity evaluation based on earth observation and direct measurements, a 100m resolution country assessment. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Csilla Simon et al. On the need for bias-adjusted CORDEX data: present day and future temperature characteristics over the Carpathians at regional and local level. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Csongor Gedeon et al. Preliminary results of the study of using ground-penetrating radar (GPR) as a tool to locate artificial burrows similar to souslik burrows and future directions of mapping burrow systems of sousliks or other burrowing mammals alike. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Dániel Kalmár et al. S-to-P receiver function analysis in the Alpine-Carpathian- Pannonian system. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Dániel Koch et al. The connection between soil water content and stream flow in the experimental catchment of Magyaregregy (Hungary). (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Dobor Laura et al. Advances and limitations in carbon and water cycle modeling using the Biome-BGCMuSo biogeochemical model in a Central European beech forest. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Erőss Anita et al. Natural radioactivity in drinking water in the surroundings of a metamorphic outcrop in Hungary: interpretation of practical problems in groundwater flow system context. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-12238
Fehér Zsolt Zoltán et al. Hydrological decision-making systems using high-resolution weather radar observations – a case study from Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Filep T et al. Investigation of the decay of DOM fraction in soils with different vegetation types by fluorescence and 2D-correlation spectroscopy. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Fóti Szilvia et al. Trends in plant species-wise abundances with parallel maintenance of community-level diversity in a Hungarian sandy pasture. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-12765
Gáspár Albert et al. Can video game maps be deceptive in their realism?. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Gergely Ámon et al. Impact of different rainfall events on overland flow using a 2D hydrodynamical model on a steep-sloped watershed. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-9179
Gergely T. Török et al. Study of morphodynamic change caused by wing dams at large spatio-temporal scale. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Giorgadze A et al. Structural architecture of the western Greater Caucasus pro-wedge: A case study from the Rioni foreland fold-and-thrust belt. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Giulia De Luca et al. Dynamics of mycorrhizal respiration in relation to GPP in a Central-Hungarian dry grassland. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Gresina F et al. Comparison of fluvial and aeolian sedimentary environments based on morphological analysis of their mineral components. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Gribovszki Zoltán et al. Spatial and temporal water table dynamic of a common alder riparian forest. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Horel Ágota et al. Hydrological and plant growth changes in a small agricultural catchment: effects of inter-row soil management and land use types. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Horváth Adrienn et al. Carbon stock of the Gemenc forest (Hungary). (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Ibrar Ullah et al. Urban Flood Resilience Assessment Using ArcGIS Based AHP Approach: A Case Study of Gyor City, Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Incze Dóra et al. Quantification of soil water balance components based on lysimeter measurements. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Izabela Pawlak et al. New analysis of diurnal and seasonal variations in fair weather atmospheric potential gradient and cloud condensation nuclei measured in S Kalinowski Geophysical Observatory in Świder Poland. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Jakab G et al. Varying soil organic matter composition differences between pools in acidic and calcareous soils. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
János Balogh et al. Influence of gross primary productivity and soil carbon content on soil CO2 efflux in dry grasslands. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Jevšenak J et al. Modelling secondary tree growth of European forests based on high satellite observations and climate data. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-3790
José Tacza et al. Multi-station observation of periodic variations in long-term Schumann resonance records. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Juhász Dorina et al. Numerical modeling of Miocene dyke opening in the Cserhát Hills, Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-458
Kalicz Péter et al. Water supply impacts on forest’s groundwater levels with water-balance analysis: a case study at Szentai forest (Hungary). (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Kálmán Attila et al. Financial benefits from the implementation of nature-based solutions in the settlements – a case study on a catchment of Lake Velence. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-9476
Karoly Nemeth et al. Conceptual framework of geoheritage and geodiversity of large monogenetic volcanic fields: from qualitative to quantitative assessments. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Kaushal N et al. Update to the SISAL speleothem database -- links to monitoring data, additional palaeoenvironmental proxies and enhanced accessibility. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Kele Zsombor et al. Groundwater transpiration of a salt steppic oak forest in the extreme dryness of 2022. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Kiri Luca et al. Petrographic traces of open-system magmatic processes in the felsic suite of the Ditrău Alkaline Massif (Eastern Carpathians, Romania). (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Kondacs Fanni et al. Geohazards of Szent Mihály Hill, Danube Bend, North Hungary: UAV monitoring to prevent landslide caused accidents. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-14633
Kovács G. et al. Compilation of Seismotectonic hazard map of Hungary based on geomorphology, structural analyses and seismology. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Kovács Zsófia Adrienn et al. Capabilities of the national scale TDR soil spectrum library for predicting primary soil properties and supporting their digital mapping. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
László Horváth et al. Application of a bi-directional ammonia exchange model for optimization of input parameters at a fertilized crop system; validation by flux measurements. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Lázár A et al. Ikaite (CaCO3*6H2O) -> ACC (amorphous calcium carbonate) -> calcite transformation and its paleoclimatological implication. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Mádai Ferenc et al. TIMREX – a European joint master programme to implement innovative mineral exploration achievements in geoscience education. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p.
Mádl-Szőnyi, J., et al. Evolving concepts and communication: what do we need to evaluate better regional groundwater flow?. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Mariam Elizbarashvili et al. Comparison of Regional Climate Model Simulations to Observational Data for Georgia. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Marianna Túri et al. New estimation to the turnover time of Lake Ohrid: an environmental isotope and noble gas study. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Máté Márk Mezei et al. Investigation of naturally occurring radionuclides in a riverbank filtered drinking water supply system. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-13829
Michailos K et al. Moho map and receiver functions database beneath the European Alps using data from recent large-scale passive experiments. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Miklos Vincze et al. Laboratory experiments on internal solitary wave reflections and their detectability via water surface infrared thermography. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Motti Zohar et al. Spatio-temporal analysis in high resolution of curated tweets associated with the November 2016 wildfire in Haifa (Israel): abstract. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Nagy Attila et al. Management of alternative water resources for variable rate irrigation - a Hungarian case study. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Neuhuber S et al. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides in Danube sediments record vertical movement in a transect from the Eastern Alpine Foreland into the Vienna Basin (Austria). (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Nevezi Csenge et al. API and AWBI calculation based on precipitation data between 2017 – 2022 in the Hidegvíz Valley experimental catchment, Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Norbert Zajzon et al. Underwater measurements with UX robots; a new and available tool developed by UNEXUP. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-17279
Nyiri Emese et al. Impact assessment of river regulations of the past century using 1D morphodynamic modeling on the Upper Hungarian Danube. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Oravecz Éva et al. Competing effects of post-rift thermal subsidence and contraction-induced tectonic uplift in inverted extensional basins: inferences from numerical models and observations from the Pannonian Basin. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Pál Márton et al. The geodiversity mapping of Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Pásztor László et al. Alternative applications of dense geophysical measurements in plot-scale digital soil mapping. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Petra Baják et al. Numerical modeling and time series analysis to quantify the neglected groundwater component in Lake Velence’s water budget – a case study from Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-12278
Pirkó Béla et al. Comparison of nitrogen use efficiency of manure and inorganic fertilizer based on long term field trials in Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Ruszkiczay-Rüdiger Zs et al. Calculation of cosmogenic radionuclide burial ages: a comparison of two models. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Sahbeni Ghada et al. Characterization of different crop types using biophysical indicators derived from Sentinel-2 MSI multi-temporal data in Sudurpashchim Province, Western Nepal. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-3884
Schmalfuss Clemens et al. Major shifts in sediment provenance revealed by a Pleistocene drill core record from the Eastern Alps (Austria). (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-14600
Soma Oláh et al. Geophysical survey of near-surface aquifers for the goals of Managed Aquifer Recharge in a settlement of the Danube-Tisza Interfluve, Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Szabó P. et al. Attribution of seasonally-relevant climate indicators in Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Szalai Z et al. Pharmaceutically active compounds in streams and rivers of urbanised areas: adsorption in sediments and efficiency of the riverbank filtration. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Szatmári G et al. Assessment of the topsoil organic carbon saturation in Hungary using machine learning-based pedotransfer function with uncertainty propagation. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Szemerédi M et al. Variscan S-type granitoids in the Tisza Mega-unit (Carpathian–Pannonian region): petrology, geochronology, geotectonic implications, and correlation. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Szepesi J et al. Lava – substrate interaction: constraints on perlitic hydration and low temperature mineralization, Lebuj rhyolitic flow, Tokaj Mountains, Carpathian-Pannonian region. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Szijártó Márk et al. Numerical investigation of the groundwater age and heat transport processes in asymmetric hydrogeological situations. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-3840
Szűcs József Gábor et al. Monte Carlo modelling of a pulsed neutron capture tool for CO2 saturation estimation in sandstone reservoirs. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Takáts Tünde et al. Spatial modelling of vineyard erosion using machine learning methods. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Tamas Bozoki et al. ELF-transients detected in the broadband recordings at the Hylaty station in Poland. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Tímea Kalmár et al. Parameterization-based uncertainties in RegCM simulations over the Carpathian region in a wet year. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Topál D et al. Atmospheric circulation-constrained model sensitivity recalibrates Arctic climate projections. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Torma Péter et al. Application of open photoacoustic cell in an eddy covariance system for water vapor flux measurement. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Váradi Kitti et al. Quantification of the scale of Miocene extension in the Danube Basin based on 2D balancing. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-8328
Varga Gy et al. Complex geographical causes of different levels of air pollution changes caused by COVID-19 sanctions in Europe. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Varga Gy et al. Meridional Saharan dust transport towards higher latitudes. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Végh Péter et al. Investigation of soil carbon sequestration and storage in Hungarian forest sites under different climatic conditions. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Veronika Barta et al. Impact of individual meteors on the midlatitude ionosphere during the Leonids and Geminids meteor showers, 2019. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Vincze Csilla et al. Flowering dynamics of nectar and pollen sources in Hungary based on Sentinel-2 satellite data. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-11562
Vitai Ákos et al. Environmental history and geophysical investigation of the Nagy-sziget, Rácalmás, Hungary. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. EGU23-11927
Zacháry D et al. Origin and chemical composition of DOM fractions from topsoil and subsoil layers of a silty and a sandy forest soil using FT-IR and fluorescence spectroscopy. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Zakharovskyi V et al. Influence of hydrological element on qualitative-quantitative assessment of geodiversity for geosite recognition based on Western Samoa, SW Pacific. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Zsigmond Tibor et al. Comparison of vegetation indices using measurement techniques on a scale from plant leaves to plots. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts
Drisela Kraja et al. Geodiversity assessment of Shkodra Region, Albania. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. 1
Hajdú Edina et al. Creating a web-based 3D virtual field trip geotourism platform. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. 1
Jaroslava Pánisová et al. Crustal structure beneath the Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field from 3D density modelling. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. 1
Molnár Anita et al. Water preparation methods of dissolved organic fraction determination for C-14 AMS measurements. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. 1
Munkhsuren Badrakh et al. Random Forest Classification of Proterozoic and Paleozoic rock types of Tsagaan-uul area, Mongolia. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. 1
Szabó Amanda Imola et al. Studying the process of climate change using the continuous form of the Feddema climate classification. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. 1
Ali Salem et al. Assessing the impact of climate change scenario for simulating nonstationary rainfall intensity and duration. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. 4309
Ábel Markó et al. Determining the „geothermal reinjection potential” into sedimentary formations using datasets of hydrocarbon exploration. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. 6992
Anna Somlyay et al. Extensive anoxia after the end-Triassic mass extinction: uranium isotope evidence from the Triassic-Jurassic boundary section at Csővár. (2023) Megjelent: EGU General Assembly 2023: Abstracts p. 7978
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