Similar Presynaptic Action Potential-Calcium Influx Coupling in Two Types of Large
Mossy Fiber Terminals Innervating CA3 Pyramidal Cells and Hilar Mossy Cells
New National Excellence Programme Scholarship(ÚNKP-19-2-I-ELTE-203)
Morphologically similar axon boutons form synaptic contacts with diverse types of
postsynaptic cells. However, it is less known to what extent the local axonal excitability,
presynaptic action potentials (APs), and AP-evoked calcium influx contribute to the
functional diversity of synapses and neuronal activity. This is particularly interesting
in synapses that contact cell types that show only subtle cellular differences but
fulfill completely different physiological functions. Here, we tested these questions
in two synapses that are formed by rat hippocampal granule cells (GCs) onto hilar
mossy cells (MCs) and CA3 pyramidal cells, which albeit share several morphologic
and synaptic properties but contribute to distinct physiological functions. We were
interested in the deterministic steps of the action potential-calcium ion influx coupling
as these complex modules may underlie the functional segregation between and within
the two cell types. Our systematic comparison using direct axonal recordings showed
that AP shapes, Ca 2+ currents and their plasticity are indistinguishable in synapses
onto these two cell types. These suggest that the complete module that couples granule
cell activity to synaptic release is shared by hilar mossy cells and CA3 pyramidal
cells. Thus, our findings present an outstanding example for the modular composition
of distinct cell types, by which cells employ different components only for those
functions that are deterministic for their specialized functions, while many of their
main properties are shared.