Általános oktatás (benne képzés, pedagógia, didaktika)
Nyelvhasználat: pragmatika, szociolingvisztika, beszédelemzés, idegennyelv-tanulás
és tanítás, lexicográfia, terminológia
Since 2000 reflective thinking gains a more and more significant emphasis
in the training of teacher trainees in Hungary as well (Falus−Kimmel 2003;
Szivák 2003). A tool for improving reflective thinking is the reflective journal (Gulya
et al 2019; Pauw − Van de Ven 2012; Ryan 2011). Reflective
journals contain idiomatic representations of metacognitive operations
which reflect both on actions and language use (Hámori 2020; Tátrai 2019).
Metacognitive-reflective processes and elements of metapragmatic awareness turn linguistically
explicit in reflective journals (Kuna−Hámori 2019).
The research questions of the paper are the following: how can reflective
nature be determined in the analysed texts; how can the sentences of the
journals be connected to the levels of reflectivity (Nurfaidah et al. 2017);
what kind of linguistic elements are illustrative of reflective texts. The current
paper analyses the reflective journals of 20 university students in the
perspective of pedagogy and functional cognitive pragmatics with quantitative and
qualitative content and text analysing methods (Hámori 2020;
Sántha 2019). Determining linguistic elements expressing reflectivity can
contribute to raising awareness of reflective language use of teacher trainees and
deepening reflective thinking.