Formális, kognitív, funkcionális és számítógépes nyelvészet
The aim of the study is to provide theoretical background to describe the
syntactic patterns of a particular communication practice, and generally to
investigate the creative potential of language use. Functional linguistic
approaches – Cognitive Grammar or construction grammars – offer comprehensive tools
for grammatical analysis, but they are less reflective of the
social and discursive factors of the language description. As a starting point,
the cultural theory concept of remix helps to analyze the Facebook posts of
the Hungarian hardcore techno community, in which the members create
sentences with embedded hardcore song titles via URL links. The phenomenon that can
be defined as a linguistic remix highlights the general intertextual functioning of
the language, which is explained by the Bakhtinian
dialogic language modell. Rooted in the Bakhtinian approach, the notions of
communicative fragment and communicative contour in the theory of Boris
Gasparov can be applied to interpret the discursive nature of the linguistic
remix. The concept of Gasparov, supplemented by the usage-based grammar
of Bybee, can describe both the long-term system of language knowledge and
the operation of real-time language production. The combination of theoretical concepts
contributes to the development of the methodological framework for the analysis of
linguistic remix, and to the further corpus-based
study of the phenomenon.