Formális, kognitív, funkcionális és számítógépes nyelvészet
Nyelvhasználat: pragmatika, szociolingvisztika, beszédelemzés, idegennyelv-tanulás
és tanítás, lexicográfia, terminológia
The paper adopts the perspective of social cognitive pragmatics, and gives a detailed
description of thematic websites, a computer-mediated discourse type.
The paper answers the central research question as to how discourse events of
a thematic website are embedded in each other, how they are organized into larger
clusters, thus formed into a coherent discourse. In order to reach this
goal, the paper focuses on the theoretical description of book review and recipe
websites. In a functional linguistic approach, the complex discursive organization
of websites can only be captured in the duality of structure and operation. Building
upon some fundamental assumptions of network science, in
terms of structure, the paper considers recipe and book review websites as
networks. The establishment of these networks is explained by the intersubjective
operations of the direction of joint attention. That is, the thematic
website is regarded as a joint attentional scene functioning as a discourse,
which is established by the complex network organization of utterances regarded as
joint attentional events. The research points out that some discourse segments of
recipe and book review sites play a key role in the creation of the discursive network.
These discourse segments are referred to as paratexts.
Paratexts can be construed in multiple ways, but they always function as reflexive,
macro-level contextualization network units initiating the adequate, intentional interpretation
or production of discourse events of various genres
embedded in the given website.