Nyelvhasználat: pragmatika, szociolingvisztika, beszédelemzés, idegennyelv-tanulás
és tanítás, lexicográfia, terminológia
Examining the spontaneous language use in the first encounter dialogues,
Svennevig (1999, 2014) presents a three-part sequential structure, where two
question types have an important role: the question that elicits the answer
containing self-representation and the question that implies continuation. In
the dialogues of Hungarian speed-dates, the results so far show the complexity
of the three-part sequential structure (Bencze 2020), where not only the questions
could be used to elicit a response, but also the neutral positive statements
(Imrényi 2017). In this study, the second person utterances of 12 conversations
from the speed-date corpus are analyzed. In this paper, the second-person
utterances are presented with examples, organized in groups by sentence type
(questions, declarative, and imperative sentences) and special features. On one
hand, the results point out the complexity of sentence types, on the other hand,
the examples provide an overview of the discourse organizing functions of less
prototypical statements.