The Scontrone turtles - A new insular testudinoid fauna from the late Miocene of the Central Mediterranean

Georgalis, Georgios L. ✉; Delfino, Massimo ✉

English Article (Journal Article) Scientific
Published: GEOBIOS 0016-6995 1777-5728 68 pp. 71-81 2021
  • SJR Scopus - Paleontology: Q2
  • Earth and related Environmental sciences
We here describe a small turtle assemblage originating from the early Tortonian (late Miocene) palaeoisland of Scontrone, central Italy, a locality previously known mostly for its endemic mammals and giant birds, which were otherwise shared only with the Gargano localities, another fossiliferous area belonging to the same palaeobioprovince. The fossil turtle remains from Scontrone are referred to the geoemydid Mauremys sp. and a so far unidentified large-sized testudinid. The biogeographic origins of the Scontrone insular chelonians are discussed. The Scontrone geoemydid adds to the known occurrences of Mauremys in the late Miocene of the Mediterranean. The Scontrone large tortoise represents the oldest known Mediterranean insular testudinid, predating significantly the well-known Quaternary endemic island tortoises of the area. (C) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
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2025-01-22 06:34