Electric explosion of amorphous iron alloy ribbons in water and in ethylene glycol

Lázár, K. ✉ [Lázár, Károly (Fizikai kémia, ra...), author] Nuclear Analysis and Radiography Department (RIESES); Varga, L. K. [Varga, Lajos Károly (Szilárdtestfizika), author] Hosszútávú rend kondenzált rendszerekben kutató... (SZFI / ESZO); Kovács-Kis, V. [Kovácsné Kis, Viktória (Ásványtan), author] Institute of Technical Physics and Materials Sc...; Vékonyrétegfizika Laboratórium (MFA); Stichleutner, S. [Stichleutner, Sándor (magkémia), author] Nuclear Analysis and Radiography Department (RIESES); Tegze, A. [Tegze, Anna (Anyagtudomány), author] Radiation Chemistry Department (RIESES); Klencsár, Z. [Klencsár, Zoltán (Mössbauer-spektro...), author] Nuclear Analysis and Radiography Department (RIESES)

English Article (Journal Article) Scientific
Published: JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH 0884-2914 2044-5326 38 pp. 1090-1101 2023
  • SJR Scopus - Condensed Matter Physics: Q2
  • Physical sciences
Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
2025-01-17 23:14