Kultúrtörténet, kollektív azonosság és emlékezet története
Történelmi földrajz
Újkori és jelenkori történelem
The article surveys a welter of evaluations advanced in the period with regard to
both the antecedents of the Trianon treaty concluded in 1920 between Hungary and the
victorious powers in the First World War and the consequences of the diplomatic arrangement.
These are then placed in the framework of the general comparative studies devoted
to the types of nationhood and to the conceptions of national belonging, as evolved
since the interwar period. It is concluded that the historical episode considered
sheds revealing light on the intricate multicultural predicament of the East European
region, as well as on the need to foster the national public cultures enabling a better
accommodation of multiculturalism by the means of an appropriately forged and trans-national
collective memory.