Efficient Access to Domain-Integrated Estradiol-Flavone Hybrids Via the Corresponding Chalcones and Their in Vitro Anticancer Potential

Molnár, Barnabás [Molnár, Barnabás (szerves kémia), szerző] Kémia Doktori Iskola (SZTE / DI); Szerves Kémiai Tanszék (SZTE / TTIK / KI); Gopisetty, Mohana K. [Gopisetty, Mohana Krishna (Nanomedicine), szerző] Biológia Doktori Iskola (SZTE / DI); Biokémiai és Molekuláris Biológiai Tanszék (SZTE / TTIK / BI); Alkalmazott és Környezeti Kémiai Tanszék (SZTE / TTIK / KI); Nagy, Ferenc István [Nagy, Ferenc István (Molekuláris biológia), szerző] Biológia Doktori Iskola (SZTE / DI); Biokémiai és Molekuláris Biológiai Tanszék (SZTE / TTIK / BI); Adamecz, Dóra Izabella [Adamecz, Dóra Izabella (Molekuláris biológia), szerző] Biológia Doktori Iskola (SZTE / DI); Biokémiai és Molekuláris Biológiai Tanszék (SZTE / TTIK / BI); Kása, Zsolt [Kása, Zsolt (Környezeti kémia), szerző] Alkalmazott és Környezeti Kémiai Tanszék (SZTE / TTIK / KI); Kiricsi, Mónika [Csontné Kiricsi, Mónika (Biokémia), szerző] Biokémiai és Molekuláris Biológiai Tanszék (SZTE / TTIK / BI); Frank, Éva ✉ [Nagyné Frank, Éva (Szteroidkémia), szerző] Szerves Kémiai Tanszék (SZTE / TTIK / KI)

Angol nyelvű Szakcikk (Folyóiratcikk) Tudományos
Megjelent: STEROIDS 0039-128X 1878-5867 187 Paper: 109990 , 12 p. 2022
  • SJR Scopus - Organic Chemistry: Q2
Structural modification of the phenolic A-ring of estrogens at C-2 and/or C-3 significantly reduces or eliminates the hormonal effects of the compounds, thus the incorporation of other pharmacophores into these positions can provide biologically active derivatives suitable for new indications, without possessing unwanted side effects. As part of this work, A-ring integration of estradiol with chalcones and flavones was carried out in the hope of obtaining novel molecular hybrids with anticancer action. The syntheses were performed from 2-acetylestradiol-17 beta-acetate which was first reacted with various (hetero)aromatic aldehydes in a pyrrolidine-catalyzed reaction in DMSO. The chalcones thus obtained were then subjected to oxidative cyclization with I2 in DMSO to afford estradiol-flavone hybrids in good yields. All newly synthesized derivatives were tested in vitro for cytotoxicity on human malignant cell lines of diverse origins as well as on a non-cancerous cell line, and the results demonstrated that estradiol-flavone hybrids containing a structure-integrated flavone moiety were the most active and cancer cell-selective agents. The minimal inhibitory concentration values (IC50) were calculated for selected compounds (3c, 3d and 3e) and their apoptosis inducing capacity was verified by RT-qPCR (real-time quantitative poly-merase chain reaction). The results suggest an important structure-activity relationship regarding estradiol-flavone hybrids that could form a promising synthetic platform and rationale for future drug developments.
Hivatkozás stílusok: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLMásolásNyomtatás
2025-01-25 14:00