The Hungarian Scientific Bibliography
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The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820
Vaderna, Gábor [Vaderna, Gábor (Irodalomtörténet), ed.] Institute for Literary Studies; Department of Classical Hungarian Literature (ELTE / EUL FoH); Western Hungarian Literature 1770–1820 "Momentu... (ITI)
English and German Study collection (Book) Scientific
Published: Praesens Verlag, Vienna, Bécs, Austria, 422 p.
Verflechtungen und Interferenzen. Studien zu den Literaturen und Kulturen im zentraleuropäischen Raum, 8
MTMT: 33031843
Egyéb katalógus:
History of ideas, intellectual history, history of science and techniques
History of literature
Modern and contemporary history
Vaderna Gábor. The Culture of the Aristocracy: A Central European Perspective. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 11-23
Kökényesi Zsolt. Zwischen Hof und Land: Die ungarischen Mitglieder des Sternkreuzordens im Zeitalter des Wandels (1766–1792). (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 55-85
Khavanova Olga. "There are many Hungarians at the College...": The Vienna Theresianum and the HUngarian Aristocracy. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 101-117
Shek Brnardić Teodora. Aristocrats as enlightened fathers: The paternal authority of the Bohemian Count Franz Joseph Kinsky (1739-1805) and the Croatian Count Ivan VIII Nepomuk Drašković (1740-1787). (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 118-141
Vaderna Gábor. Communicating Virtues: Poetry as Social Practice in the Culture of the Aristocracy. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 142-158
Biró Annamária. Aufbau der Infrastruktur der Wissenschaften in Siebenbürgen gegen Ende des 18. Jahrhuderts. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 159-172
Balogh Piroska. Knowledge in Transit – Between Aristocrats and Scholars. Remarks on Count László Festetics’s Education. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 173-187
Gurka Dezső. Ungarische Magnaten in der Societät für die gesammte Mineralogie zu Jena,. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 188-201
Kurucz György. "In the Interest of the Homeland and His Lordship's Domains": The Study Tours of the Professors of Hungary's First College of Farming in Western Europe, 1820-25. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 202-215
Krász Lilla. Kultur(en) des Sammelns: Medizinische Bücher einer ungarischen Adelsbibliothek. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 216-243
Hegedüs Béla. Heinrich Gottfried von Bretschneiders Roman Georg Wallers Leben und Sitten, wahrhaft – oder doch wahrscheinlich – beschrieben, von ihm selbst (1793): Intellektuell sein im Königreich Ungarn des 18. Jahrhunderts. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 p. 244
Lengyel Réka. Masonic ethics, stoicism, cultural patriotism: Insights into the intelluctual life of count György Festetics. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 276-290
Csörsz Rumen István. Miklós Jankovich und die Sammlung der Nationallieder. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 291-304
Dóbék Ágnes. The Baronial Patrons of Miklós Révai. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 305-312
Mészáros Gábor. Societies of Scholars and Patronage in Late Eighteenth Century Hungary: Ferenc Széchényi as Patron of Ádám Pálóczi Horváth. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 313-323
Granasztói Olga. The Indifferent Rich?: Ferenc Kazinczy's Failed Attempt to Found a Literary Society with Prince Lajos Batthyány II as its President. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 p. 334
Szabó István. The Impact of Ecological Patterns and Progress in Natural History on the Land Use and Landscape Gardening of the Festetics Family. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 344-361
D. Mohay Borbála. The Social and Political Functions of Count Ferenc Széchényi’s Garden of Cenk. (2022) In: The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820 pp. 362-375
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