The Culture of the Aristocracy in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1750-1820

Vaderna, Gábor [Vaderna, Gábor (Irodalomtörténet), ed.] Institute for Literary Studies; Department of Classical Hungarian Literature (ELTE / EUL FoH); Western Hungarian Literature 1770–1820 "Momentu... (ITI)

English and German Study collection (Book) Scientific
Published: Praesens Verlag, Vienna, Bécs, Austria, 422 p. 2022
Series: Verflechtungen und Interferenzen. Studien zu den Literaturen und Kulturen im zentraleuropäischen Raum, 8
    • History of ideas, intellectual history, history of science and techniques
    • History of literature
    • Modern and contemporary history
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    2025-01-24 04:41