The NKCC1 ion transporter modulates microglial phenotype and inflammatory response to brain injury in a cell-autonomous manner

Tóth, Krisztina [Tóth, Krisztina (Idegtudományok), author] Laboratory of Neuroimmunology; School of PhD Studies (SU); Lénárt, Nikolett [Lénárt, Nikolett (neurobiológia), author] Laboratory of Neuroimmunology; Berki, Péter [Berki, Péter (neurobiológia), author] School of PhD Studies (SU); Laboratory of Cerebral Cortex Research; Fekete, Rebeka [Fekete, Rebeka (idegtudomány), author] Laboratory of Neuroimmunology; Szabadits, Eszter [Cserépné Szabadits, Eszter (Idegtudomány), author] Laboratory of Neuroimmunology; Pósfai, Balázs [Pósfai, Balázs (Idegtudomány), author] Laboratory of Neuroimmunology; School of PhD Studies (SU); Cserép, Csaba [Cserép, Csaba (Idegtudomány, Neu...), author] Laboratory of Neuroimmunology; Alatshan, Ahmad [Alatshan, Ahmad (Immunology), author]; Benkő, Szilvia [Benkő, Szilvia (Immunológia), author] Department of Physiology (UD); Kiss, Dániel [Kiss, Dániel (számítógépes biol...), author] Szoftvertervezés- és Fejlesztés Intézet (ÓU / NJFCS); Hübner, Christian A.; Gulyás, Attila [Gulyás, Attila (Neurobiológia), author] Laboratory of Cerebral Cortex Research; Kaila, Kai; Környei, Zsuzsanna [Környei, Zsuzsanna (Neuroimmunológia;...), author] Laboratory of Neuroimmunology; Dénes, Ádám ✉ [Dénes, Ádám (Neurobiológia, ne...), author] Laboratory of Neuroimmunology

English Article (Journal Article) Scientific
Published: PLOS BIOLOGY 1544-9173 1545-7885 20 (1) Paper: e3001526 , 31 p. 2022
  • SJR Scopus - Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous): D1
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  • János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Science(BO/00558/19)
  • Új Nemzeti Kiválóság Program, Felsőoktatási Doktori Hallgatói Kutatói Ösztöndíj(ÚNKP-20-3-II) Funder: MIT
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The NKCC1 ion transporter contributes to the pathophysiology of common neurological disorders, but its function in microglia, the main inflammatory cells of the brain, has remained unclear to date. Therefore, we generated a novel transgenic mouse line in which microglial NKCC1 was deleted. We show that microglial NKCC1 shapes both baseline and reactive microglia morphology, process recruitment to the site of injury, and adaptation to changes in cellular volume in a cell-autonomous manner via regulating membrane conductance. In addition, microglial NKCC1 deficiency results in NLRP3 inflammasome priming and increased production of interleukin-1β (IL-1β), rendering microglia prone to exaggerated inflammatory responses. In line with this, central (intracortical) administration of the NKCC1 blocker, bumetanide, potentiated intracortical lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cytokine levels. In contrast, systemic bumetanide application decreased inflammation in the brain. Microglial NKCC1 KO animals exposed to experimental stroke showed significantly increased brain injury, inflammation, cerebral edema, and, worse, neurological outcome. Thus, NKCC1 emerges as an important player in controlling microglial ion homeostasis and inflammatory responses through which microglia modulate brain injury. The contribution of microglia to central NKCC1 actions is likely to be relevant for common neurological disorders.
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2025-01-16 22:17