Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
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In English
Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017: Proceedings
Balázs, L György [Balázs, György László (Szerkezeti anyago...), szerk.] Építőanyagok és Magasépítés Tanszék (BME / ÉMK)
Koris, Kálmán [Koris, Kálmán (Vasbeton és feszí...), szerk.] Hidak és Szerkezetek Tanszék (BME / ÉMK)
Kopecskó, Katalin [Kopecskó, Katalin (Cement és cementh...), szerk.] Geotechnika és Mérnökgeológia Tanszék (BME / ÉMK)
Angol nyelvű Konferenciakötet (Könyv) Tudományos
Megjelent: Hungarian Group of FIB, Budapest, Magyarország, 675 p.
12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering, CCC 2017 2017-08-31 [Tokaj, Magyarország]
MTMT: 3257918
Teljes dokumentum:
Alimrani Naser et al. Structural consequences of fire on concrete structures – Review article. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:...
Marek Salamak et al. Construction and load test of cable-stayed concrete tram bridge in cracow. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:...
Mateusz Żarski et al. Integrated lifecycle analysis of a concrete bridge. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:...
Piotr Klikowicz et al. Various aspects of bridge health monitoring systems in Poland. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:...
Mészöly Tamás et al. An advanced approach to derive the constitutive law of UHPFRC. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 62-69
CZOBOLY Olivér et al. Effect of mixing time to the properties of steel fibres and SFRC. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 78-86
Kausay Tibor et al. Evaluation of the compressive strength of concrete. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 102-110
Szweda Zofia et al. PREDICTING RISK OF CORROSION OF BRIDGES MADE OF CONCRETE WITH PORTLAND CEMENT AND LOW ALKALI PORTLAND CEMENT. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 118-126
Gyurkó Zoltán et al. Effect of Cellular Concrete Powder on Durability of Normal Strength Concrete. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 179-186
Abdulkader El Mir et al. EFFECT OF MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SIZE ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HIGH-STRENGTH CONCRETE. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 233-239
Abdelmelek Nabil et al. Improved fire resistance by using different dosages of metakaolin. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 240-245
Hlavička Viktor et al. Bonded anchors in thermally-damaged concrete. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 246-253
Erdélyiné Tóth Mária et al. Experimental investigations of pullout behaviour of synthetic fibres. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 298-305
Sólyom Sándor et al. Non-metallic reinforcements with different moduli of elasticity and surfaces for concrete structures. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 327-335
Koris Kálmán et al. Shear capacity of prestressed FRC beams with sparse stirrup spacing. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 388-395
Juhász Károly Péter et al. Optimisation of TBM Tunnel in the Shanghai Metro Extension using Macro Synthetic Fibre. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 549-556
Schaul Péter et al. Shear design opportunities for synthetic reinforced concrete beams. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 557-565
Gálos Miklós et al. Modelling the behaviour of concrete additives via discrete element numerical simulation. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 607-614
Juhász Károly Péter et al. Fibre reinforced concrete constitutive laws for numerical simulation. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 632-639
Juhász Károly Péter et al. Numerical modelling of a precast fibre reinforced concrete track slab. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 640-647
Haris István et al. Comparison of different models on different cas-in-situ RC joints. (2017) Megjelent: Innovative materials and technologies for concrete structures: 12th Central European Congress on Concrete Engineering. CCC2017:... pp. 648-658
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