János Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Other humanities
Other social sciences
Educational sciences
History and Archaeology
In the present study, by means of private letters, memoirs, as well as school registry
forms, we focus on aristocratic children's language education: what languages did
they study, with whom did they study them, with what methods and for what purpose
- whether at home or in school. After 1867, the aristocracy retained its multilingual
facility. The daughters of the family typically continued studying at home, guided
by foreign governesses and Hungarian home tutors. Besides Hungarian, they usually
acquired three languages (French, German, English) to a proficient level, by help
of a method that placed the emphasis on speaking. The boys' language studies progressed
in a similar way, the difference being that they were more likely to study in public
schools - abroad or in Hungary. Within the high society, the two most sought-after
foreign institutions were the Theresianum in Vienna and the Jesuit secondary grammar
school in Kalksburg. In these, the students had the chance to choose from among several
classical and modern languages to study; moreover, however surprising it might seem
at first glance, they also placed a great emphasis on nurturing the Hungarian language.
Thus, by the time they reached adulthood, the daughters and sons of high nobility
became polished speakers and readers of foreign languages, which, besides cultivating
their international family relations, also helped them in keeping abreast on world
events, as well as in literature and the sciences, not to mention - in the case of
the boys - constituting an advantage in their career fields.