Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
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In English
60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book
Angol nyelvű Tudományos
Megjelent: European Regional Science Association (ERSA), Bolzano, Olaszország, 674 p.
ERSA: Territorial Futures: Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe 2021-08-24 [Online konferencia, Nemzetközi]
MTMT: 32470353
Teljes dokumentum:
Egyed Ildikó. The role of industrial policy and heritage in shaping entrepreneurial development in selected second-tier cities: a Franco-Hungarian perspective. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 182
Horeczki Réka et al. Governance challanges in Hungary, especially in Baranya county. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 275
Kovács Katalin. Models of rural shrinkage in East and West. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 318
Lux Gábor. Endogenous industrial development in an FDI-poor region: From scarcity to prosperity?. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 356
Nagy Erika et al. Excluded. The reproduction of multiple marginalities in the CEE industrial periphery. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 419
Nagy Gábor. Housing cycles of non-metropolitan cities in post-socialist context - the case of Hungary. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 420
Nagy Gábor. Differences beyond homogenity - Prefered and underestimated housing estates inside a regional centre. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 421
Páger Balázs. Regional variation of the quality entrepreneurship: the role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 443
Rácz Szilárd. Regional centres in Central and Eastern Europe – From state socialism to dependent market economies. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 493
Rácz Szilárd et al. The role of FDI and territorial capital in diverging development paths of Hungarian regional capital cities. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 494
Piras Simone et al. An operationalization of complex shrinkage: Patterns of economic change and population decline in EU rural areas. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 595
Tagai Gergely. Spaces and inequalities of European research collaborations. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 596
Velkey Gábor Dániel. Issues of labor market integration of the VET system, especially for lagging social groups in peripheral areas in Hungary. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 635
Zsibók Zsuzsanna. Productivity and FDI in a decade-long growth cycle – Central and Eastern European experiences. (2021) Megjelent: 60th ERSA Congress: Territorial Futures – Visions and scenarios for a resilient Europe: Abstract Book p. 674
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